Tips to Quit Smoking for good (GUARANTEED)
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Substances that Make Up the Cigarette: Up to 700 chemical additives may go into the ingredients used in the manufacture of cigarettes , but the law allows manufacturers to keep the list secret. However, heavy metals, pesticides and insecticides are included among the ingredients. Some are so toxic that it is illegal to dump them in landfills. That smoke attractive is filled with some 4,000 substances, including acetone, arsenic, butane, carbon monoxide and cyanide. The lungs of smokers and those around them are exposed to at least 43 known carcinogens. Check out some of the substances present in the composition of the cigarette :
- Acetone – nail polish remover.
- Acrolein – pesticide.
- Arsenic – poison for ants.
- Ammonia – used in disinfectants.
- Cadmium – found in car batteries.
- Lead – metal that causes cancer.
- Carbon 14 and polonium 210 – substances found in nuclear waste.
- Phenol – toilet bowl disinfectant.
- Phosphorus P4/P6 – used in rat poison.
- Formaldehyde – cadaver preservative.
- Methylamine and dimethylamine – substances used in tanning lotions.
- Mothballs – poison for cockroaches and insects.
- Carbon monoxide – toxic gas coming out of cars.
- Nicotine – drug that causes addiction.
- Toluene – solvent found in glues and explosives.
- Turpentine – oil paint thinner.
Consequences of Cigarette Use: The consequences of cigarette use do not appear immediately. A person can continue to smoke completely ignoring the harm they are doing to their body. Victims of cigarette addiction see their addiction as “pleasure”. But these people don’t realize that the habit of smoking is slowly damaging their body. Many studies developed show that the consumption of tobacco derivatives causes almost 50 different diseases, mainly cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, angina, stroke), cancer and chronic obstructive respiratory diseases (emphysema and bronchitis).
- Smoking Causes Lung Cancer: 87% of lung cancer deaths occur among smokers.
- Smoking Causes Heart Disease: Smokers have a 70% higher risk of heart disease .
- Smoking Causes Breast Cancer: Women who smoke 40 or more cigarettes a day are 74% more likely to die from breast cancer .
- Smoking Causes Hearing Impairments: Babies of female smokers have greater difficulty processing sounds.
- Smoking Causes Complications of Diabetes: Diabetics who smoke or chew tobacco are at greater risk of having serious kidney complications and have retinopathy (disorders of the retina).
- Smoking Causes Colon Cancer: Two studies of over 150,000 people show a clear link between smoking and colon cancer .
- Smoking Causes Asthma: Smoking can make asthma worse in adults and children.
- Smoking Causes Predisposition to Smoke: Daughters of women who smoked during pregnancy are four times more likely to smoke too.
- Smoking Causes Leukemia: Smoking is suspected to cause myeloid leukemia.
- Smoking Causes Bruises in Physical Activity: According to a US Army study, smokers are more likely to suffer bruises in physical activity.
- Smoking Causes Memory: High doses of nicotine can reduce mental dexterity in complex tasks.
- Smoking Causes Depression: Psychiatrists are investigating evidence that there is a link between smoking and major depression in addition to schizophrenia.
- Smoking Causes Suicide: A study done among nurses showed that nurses who smoked were twice as likely to commit suicide.
These are some of the problems arising from the use of cigarettes . In addition, the danger of fires can be added, as smoking is the main cause of fires in homes, hotels and hospitals. We already know some of the compounds in cigarettes and their consequences.
Quitting Smoking and Its Benefits: We list some of the health benefits of quitting smoking .
- after 20 minutes your blood pressure and pulse return to normal.
- after 2 hours there is no more nicotine in your blood.
- after 8 hours the oxygen level in the blood normalizes.
- After 2 days, your nose perceives the smells better and your taste buds taste the food better.
- after 3 weeks breathing becomes easier and circulation improves.
- after 5 to 10 years the risk of suffering a heart attack will be the same as that of someone who has never smoked.
The sooner you stop smoking, the lower the risk of getting a disease from smoking. Those who don’t smoke, have more disposition, have more life. So, check out 15 Tips to Quit Smoking in 2 Weeks.
1. Tips to Quit Smoking: Eat low-calorie treats, in 30% of cases, when the urge to smoke presses, it can also be a great desire to eat some kind of sweet or carbohydrate. Plus, eating a piece of your favorite candy can help quench your craving for smoking . But be careful! Of course, you’re not supposed to carry pounds of sugar in your bag, but a small piece of low-calorie chocolate, a diet candy, a sugar-free jelly bean, a sugar-free gum, and other sugar-free sweets can help anyone looking to stop Smoke naturally.
2. Tips for Quitting Smoking: Some foods make cigarettes taste awful and others make the taste even better. In addition, according to research, coffee, alcohol and red meat help to improve the taste of cigarettes , consequently helping the smoker to have even more desire to smoke . Already fruits, vegetables, natural juices and milk can make the taste even worse, that is, adding them to your diet can help you when you are looking for how to stop smoking naturally.
In addition, it is worth remembering that they also promote a healthier habit. Another essential tip is the intake of ginger in your diet. It helps to prevent nausea often experienced by quitters . To help the ingestion of ginger, it can be made into tablets, capsules or tea. It will help calm the stomach and prevent nausea, consequently, decreasing the urge to smoke again .
3. Tips for Quitting Smoking: Grape juice also helps in flushing out toxins from your body, because the acids present in the juice are natural detoxifiers, helping to rejuvenate the body’s system and cleanse toxins quickly.
4. Tips for Quitting Smoking: Drink lots of water. Nicotine is so addictive and so hard to get rid of that it’s seen as a toxin. Also, as water is a natural detoxifier, it helps in the process of eliminating this toxin and cleanses your system more than any other liquid. Your body needs water to counteract some of the harmful effects of tobacco and nicotine. When quitting cigarettes , the body cleanses itself, but with the help of water it will have an extra boost, and this speeds up the process, making you fight your addictions even more.
5. Tips for Quitting Smoking: According to research done by Brown University, your willingness and dedication to quit smoking doubles when you exercise regularly. The type of physical exercise must be related to aerobic exercises, which must be performed at least 5 times a week. Physical activity should be rigorous enough, and hit around 80% of your maximum heart rate.
6. Tips for Quitting Smoking: Add St. John’s wort and Ginseng to your eating habits. In addition, this natural herb is known for its natural antidepressant potential, and it is already in the composition of some medicines that are prescribed for those who want to quit smoking. Ginseng is a medicinal plant that can help those looking to quit smoking naturally. It can be added to juices, cereals, oatmeal or soups, but the best way to take it is in the morning, as this will help you fight the urge to smoke throughout the day.
If you feel that the amount is not enough, increase your intake little by little. It is worth remembering that ginseng is present in many multivitamins. If you already take multivitamins, see if it already has the herb in its composition, if so, you don’t need to ingest it in other ways. See also How to Quit Smoking in 5 Simple Steps…
7. Tips for Quitting Smoking: Research shows that quitting smoking should be an effort and a single priority, because if you try to quit smoking and go on a restricted diet at the same time, it can frustrate all your efforts. In addition, it is because many people usually gain 4-5 pounds when trying to quit smoking , and this amount is easily lost between one and two months with a balanced diet and regular exercise. It is recommended that you first focus on quitting addictions, as nicotine is an extremely difficult habit to quit.
8. Tips for Quitting Smoking: When it comes to an addiction, it is guaranteed that getting help from other addicts can be of great value. Also, a great tip is to attend groups like Narcotics Anonymous for good group therapy. There are several support groups that can help you to stop smoking , but they are not as publicized. Many hospitals also have this type of feature, so it’s something important to consider.
9. Tips for Quitting Smoking: Seek help from your doctor, your doctor can help you understand how to quit smoking naturally. Also, be honest about your wishes and let him give you advice. Doctors understand how nicotine affects the brain, and they will be able to give you some tips on how to win this battle against cigarettes .
10. Tips for Quitting Smoking: Use encouraging images, as it may sound cliché, but seeing images of what cigarettes can do to you can motivate you to quit smoking . Also, post scary pictures like aging skin or black lungs caused by smoking somewhere in your house so you can see it when you wake up. According to studies done by the UMDNJ School of Public Health, this technique can help you avoid lighting a cigarette.
11. Quit Smoking Tips: There are over 40 apps that can help you quit smoking . Also, these apps give you an incentive, you will be able to record your achievements, track your progress and even share it on social networks. This is another way that helps you stay motivated and lets you see all your progress.
12. Tips for Quitting Smoking : An oriental way to help quit smoking is to take herbal supplements. They help lessen cravings and symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, such as emotional agitation and irritability. In addition, herbal treatment also promises to repair tissue that has been damaged by smoking. One of the most common herbal supplements is green tea, which can be taken throughout the day to aid in the detoxification process.
13. Tips for Quitting Smoking: Acupuncture can provide great relief from symptoms caused by nicotine withdrawal, such as nervousness, agitation, irritability, and even help reduce your cravings. Plus, research shows that this natural treatment can help boost serotonin production, which makes you feel happy and satisfied without needing to smoke . Many healthcare professionals believe that acupuncture is one of the best treatments for anyone looking to quit smoking naturally and even for other addictions.
Before starting acupuncture, a professional will evaluate several details of your addiction, such as how much you smoke, how many times a day, cravings that lead you to smoke , etc. After receiving a complete diagnosis, the professional will determine the best treatment method to help you kick the habit .
14. Tips for Quitting Smoking: Meditation is always indicated for several cases, including the fight against cigarettes. In addition, the University of Wisconsin did a study of long-time smokers and found that group meditation sessions helped them kick smoking addiction . In addition, the psychic suffering and stress caused by abstinence during the first few weeks can be controlled through meditation.
The study revealed that after eight meditation sessions, 56% of smokers were able to quit smoking. A good tip you can do at home is to listen to 45 minutes of meditation CDs a day.
15. Tips for Quitting Smoking: Another tip for Quitting Smoking is to do a martial arts fight. A study done by the University of Miami with smokers for 12 weeks proved that at the end of the test, 60% of people who trained Tai Chi Chuan three times a week, around an hour each, quit.
Lives are swallowed up by the harmful effects of tobacco every minute. In addition, tobacco and its derivatives are part of the group of drugs considered to be of high danger to human health . However, the profit generated by tobacco moves billions of dollars every year. Thousands of hours of pro-tobacco advertising are broadcast in the mass media every week seeking new consumer markets.
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If tobacco is an evil for some, it is very good for many others who enjoy the profit generated by tobacco and its derivatives. The vast majority, however, die and get sick every day. Tobacco brings countless expenses to our society. See also How to Quit Smoking in 5 Simple Steps…