Tips to Prevent Breast Cancer

Tips on How to Prevent Breast Cancer in Women. In addition, breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the breasts. All cancers are characterized by rapid, uncontrolled cell growth. When cells acquire abnormal characteristics, cells from the mammary lobes, milk-producing cells or the ducts through which milk drains, can cause one or more mutations in the cell’s genetic material.This disease happens almost exclusively in women, but there are cases of men with breast cancer as well. Some mutations have the ability to cause a cell to just divide, but not have the ability to invade other tissues, these are called benign or non- cancerous tumors .

The prevention of breast cancer can be divided into primary and secondary: the first involves the adoption of healthy habits, and the second concerns the performance of screening tests in order to make an early diagnosis. So, check out now  The 7 Tips on How to Prevent Breast Cancer:

Exercises:  Exercising is one of the best Tips on How to Prevent Breast Cancer . Well, a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that teenagers who practice intense physical exercise decrease the chances of suffering from breast cancer in adulthood by up to 23%. In this analysis, the practice of physical activity should start around the age of 12 and last for at least ten years for protection against the disease to be noticed.

Exercise is able to reduce estrogen levels, a hormone related to cancer risk . Exercise also reduces stress and helps with weight control, factors that also influence tumor development. It is important in preventing cancer and preventing recurrence.

Breastfeeding:  Breastfeeding is one of the top  Tips on How to Prevent Breast Cancer . For women who breastfeed their children for at least six months are 5% less likely to develop the disease . When a woman breastfeeds, she stimulates the mammary glands and decreases the amount of hormones, such as estrogen, in her bloodstream.

Alcohol:  Consuming just 14 grams of alcohol a day can increase the chances of breast cancer by 30%. The mechanism of action by which alcohol consumption increases this risk remains unknown, but we know that it influences estrogen signaling pathways.

Balanced Diet:  In the list of How to Prevent Breast Cancer , a balanced diet cannot be left out. Therefore, maintaining a proper diet helps in weight control, in the prevention of chronic diseases and improves health as a whole. In addition, a healthy body works better, preventing the emergence of tumors.

Women who consume vegetables frequently are up to 45% less likely to develop breast cancer , according to a study conducted by Boston University. Foods like broccoli , mustard greens, kale and green vegetables are rich in glucosinolates, which are amino acids that play an important role in prevention and treatment.

Yoga:  Practicing iodine is an excellent tip on How to Prevent Breast Cancer. Women who live a very busy and stressful routine are almost twice as likely to develop breast cancer when related to other risk factors. Breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques, practiced in Tai Chi and yoga, help manage stress and anxiety.

Weight Management:  Controlling weight is one of the best Tips on How to Prevent Breast Cancer . Because, upon reaching menopause , overweight or obese women are at greater risk of developing the tumor. And more: being overweight still increases the chances of cancer being more aggressive.

Mammography:  Mammography is one of the top  Tips on How to Prevent Breast Cancer . Well, most women should start having mammograms annually after age 50, but for those who have a family history of breast cancer , the exam should start 10 before the earliest case in the family.

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So if a close relative had this type of cancer at age 40, you need to start having mammograms annually starting at age 30. Having a mammogram annually at an appropriate age can reduce death from breast cancer by up to 30%, according to a study published in the journal Radiology.

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