10 Tips to Prevent Alzheimer’s Naturally

Tips To Prevent Alzheimer ‘s In A Simple And Effective Way. In addition, Alzheimer’s disease is an incurable disease that gets worse over time, but it can and should be treated. Almost all of its victims are elderly people. Perhaps, for this reason, the disease has been erroneously known as “sclerosis” or “decadence”.

The disease presents as dementia , or loss of cognitive functions ( memory , orientation, attention, and language), caused by the death of brain cells. When diagnosed early, it is possible to delay its progress and have more control over symptoms, ensuring a better quality of life for the patient and family.

WHAT IS DEMENTIA?:  Dementia is  actually a broad category of brain disorders that cause gradual memory loss and/or difficulties with thinking, language, problem solving, but also behavioral changes. Alzheimer’s disease , which is a very well-known term is the cause of dementia in 60% to 70% of cases. Other causes include Parkinson’s disease, thyroid gland problems, head trauma, depression, vascular changes, regular medication use, and vitamin deficiency.

In this article, we are going to introduce some methods how to stop Alzheimer’s disease before it starts. Dementia  can be a progressive disease if the root (cause) is not treatable, which means that symptoms will gradually get worse. Any symptoms of dementia  we recommend seeing the doctor immediately so he/she can determine and treat the cause. So, check out now  The 10 Tips To Prevent Alzheimer’s Naturally.

1. Tip To Prevent Alzheimer  ‘s: Factors that can contribute to the development of dementia  include many environmental, physiological and lifestyle factors. Some of these risk factors are modifiable, but others are not. Here, we’re showing you 10 simple strategies that will help you deal with modifiable factors and help you stop Alzheimer’s before it starts. It sounds pretty unbelievable, but you can significantly reduce your risk of dementia  by following these tips.

2. Tip To Prevent Alzheimer’s:  These drugs inhibit parasympathetic nerve impulses. The parasympathetic nervous system is one of the two main parts of the automatic nervous system. He has to manage the activities that take place while the body rests. The nerves in this system are responsible for the involuntary movement of muscles in the lungs, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, as well as other parts of the body.

3. Tip To Prevent Alzheimer’s:  According to many preclinical human studies, there is a connection between low levels of vitamin D and the symptoms that can lead to dementia . In addition to sun exposure, researchers recommend taking vitamin D supplements as the best preventive measure against changes in the body that can cause dementia  and Alzheimer’s disease .

4. Alzheimer’s Prevention Tip:  Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is one of the main fats found in fish oil. According to some studies, this is one of the ways how to stop Alzheimer’s disease before it starts. Some recent studies claim that there is a direct correlation between low levels of DHA and increased cognitive impairment.

Many experts recommend using fish oil as an effective way to prevent the progression of dementia symptoms . It’s also good to take fish oil even before you show any signs of dementia. You should consult your doctor before starting to take fish oil, because incorrect supplementation can lead to undesirable consequences.

5. Alzheimer’s Prevention Tip:  Vitamins B12, B6 and folate help reduce levels of a molecule called homocysteine ​​(HC). A high level of HC significantly increases the risk of stroke, heart disease or other vascular problems leading to age-related cognitive decline. The best way to reduce HC and avoid its harmful effects is to take a B complex that contains 500 mg of B12.

6. Tip To Prevent Alzheimer’s:  Regular physical activity is a great preventive measure for every disease. It’s one of the ways to stop Alzheimer’s disease before it starts. As a general rule of thumb, aim for at least thirty minutes of moderate activity like walking or biking every day. Challenge your brain by trying to do something new, doing crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles , or learning a new language.

According to a recent study, symptoms of dementia  occur 5 years later in bilingual people when compared to elderly people who speak only one language. Another study found that doing regular crossword puzzles was able to delay memory decline by almost 2.5 years.

7. Dica Para Prevenir o Alzheimer: Dois fatores que podem levar ao desenvolvimento de muitas doenças são o tabagismo e o alto consumo de álcool. Evidências científicas recentes demonstraram que os fumantes apresentam um risco 45% maior de desenvolver a doença de Alzheimer quando comparados com as pessoas que não fumam ou ex-fumantes.

As pessoas que bebem quantidades moderadas (uma bebida por dia) estão em menor risco de desenvolver demência, enquanto aqueles que não consomem qualquer álcool estão em risco ligeiramente maior do que bebedores moderados, enquanto as pessoas que consomem muito álcool estão em maior risco de desenvolver demência.

8. Tip To Prevent Alzheimer’s:  Head injuriessignificantly increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease .

9. Alzheimer’s Prevention Tip:  Regular interaction with other people can protect you from the negative effects of loneliness and isolation. Combine this with physical activity in order to experience extra benefits.

10. Tip To Prevent Alzheimer’s:  It is extremely important to keep these parameters of your health under control. They not only affect your risk of dementia , but they have an impact on your stroke and heart disease risk, too.

Note: Another way to stop Alzheimer’s disease before it starts includes a healthy diet rich in fish, leafy greens, nuts, seeds!

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