Tips for Healthy and Beautiful Teeth

Tips to have Beautiful and Healthy Teeth  in a simple and 100% natural way. In addition, for a smile to be perfect, it is not enough to be without any chips or cavities, it must have a series of characteristics, from matching the shape of the face, not having stains or broken teeth .Having healthy teeth that look clean and shiny can help you in many areas of your life. In addition to preventing the onset of pain, this increases self-confidence and helps you make a good impression on other people.[1] Having clean and white teeth depends on two important points: having a healthy oral hygiene routine and using cosmetic treatments to whiten your teeth. So, check out now  The 7 tips to have beautiful and healthy teeth.

Foods that Help with Oral Hygiene:  A tip for those who are out and about and forget about their toothbrush and toothpaste, is to appeal to some foods that help to clean their teeth , such as apples, or else, carry sugar -free gumin the bag, that have the same effect.

Avoid Some Drinks:  Some drinks, such as energy drinks, caffeinated teas , coffee, cola-based sodas, wine, also wear down your enamel and ruin your smile.

Brush Only After 30 Minutes After Meal:  It is necessary to know that any food, even the healthier ones, change the pH of the mouth, with this, the enamel that protects the teeth ends up softening, leaving them more vulnerable. Therefore, it is necessary to give a half hour break for it to harden again, so you will be leaving your teeth beautiful and healthy  and without forming plaque .

Discover Some Myths About Feminine Hygiene:

No Need to Invest in Electric Brushes:  There is no need to spend the tubes with electric brushes for Beautiful and Healthy Teeth , they even help, as long as they are used correctly, as they require even more lightness in brushing. Seek advice from your dentist.

Beware of Whitening Pastes:  A very common mistake is to think that whitening pastes can replace a procedure done by a professional. In fact, toothpastes of this type, since they have a low concentration of whitening agents, are not able to make your teeth beautiful and healthy . Be careful, because in addition to being abrasive they end up with the enamel, reducing the protection of the tooth .

Chewing Sugar Free Gum:  Sugar, as stated earlier, can be responsible for cavities. However, chewing sugar-free gum helps in the production of saliva, responsible for protecting the teeth from wear and dirt, and in cleaning them, as it can remove residues in difficult places. So try to avoid it, so you will have beautiful and healthy teeth.

Regular Tooth Hygiene:  Regular tooth hygiene is essential for Beautiful and Healthy Teeth . Brush your teeth, tongue and gums after each meal, for at least one minute, with a soft-bristled toothbrush and always floss to remove residue that the brush cannot reach. If you live in big cities or metropolises, it is not necessary to buy fluoride -rich, as the water you drink is already fluoridated.

Useful links: 

Concern about health cannot be limited to weight, indices, numbers and statistics. The teeth and mouth can show signs that something is not going well, if you know how to observe them, such as bleeding can be a sign of lack of vitamins , bad breath can indicate gastrointestinal problems, among others. Taking care of teeth, therefore, is also taking care of the health of the body and carrying out maintenance that makes teeth stronger, resistant and lasting.

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