Tip To Treat Cold Sore Using Milk

The Tip To Treat Cold Sore Using Milk  is an excellent home remedy. In addition,  canker  sores are painful sores in the mouth, which are usually white or yellowish, surrounded by a bright red area, and usually appear on the tongue and the inner walls of the mouth.

Cold sore symptoms: The main symptom is pain, sometimes a small cold sore  can cause so much pain, which interferes with speech and eating. In general, canker sores last around 10 days. Here are some other symptoms:

  • Small open sores present inside the mouth, white or yellowish, with a bright red outline. They are usually more present on the tongue and on the walls of the mouth;
  • Dor;
  • Slight bleeding at home from injury in the cold sore region ;
  • Redness and dryness of the lateral region of the mouth;
  • Loss of taste.

Less common symptoms include:

  • fever ;
  • Indisposition;
  • Swelling in the lymph nodes.

Usually, no treatment is needed. In most cases, cold sores go away on their own. However, there are some home remedies that help to treat it in a natural way. So, check out the  Tip Recipe to Treat Cold Sore Using Milk.


  • Soak a cotton ball in milk and apply to the wound to relieve pain.
  • Better yet, if you feel tingly go straight for the cold milk.
  • It can help speed healing early on.
Useful links: 

Canker sores usually go away on their own. In general, the pain subsides within a few days. The other symptoms disappear between 10 and 14 days.

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