homemade trick to eliminate wrinkles naturally!
Homemade trick to eliminate wrinkles naturally because this condition is folds or furrows, which tend to be underappreciated, that form on the surface of dry and not very elastic skin due to the inexorable passage of time.
In addition to the natural aging process, genetic and environmental factors contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. In fact, it is known that smoking, alcohol, stress , exposure to light (both natural and artificial) or chemical agents (including excessively aggressive detergents), as well as facial expressions and marked excesses are generally among the most faithful allies of skin aging .
What are the causes of wrinkles?
As mentioned, the appearance of wrinkles is linked both to the inevitable aging that depends substantially on genetic factors (intrinsic aging), both external and environmental (extrinsic aging or environmental factors).
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The main cause of the appearance of wrinkles is the loss of skin structure . In fact, as time progresses and/or exposure to certain environmental factors follows, skin cells decrease their activity and suffer damage and alterations that lead to the consequent loss of skin elasticity, hydration, tonicity and firmness .
More in detail, due to aging, the fibroblasts present in the dermis gradually and inexorably decrease their activity, with a consequent reduction in the synthesis of elastic fibers, glycosaminoglycans and collagen fibers (fundamental components that help to support and maintain the skin through the formation of a kind of scaffold).
Elastic fibers and collagen already formed, however, become thinner and their structure is altered, causing more “sagging” in the skin . At the same time, over time, there is a reduced production of sebum, which results in the thinning of the hydro-lipid film covering the skin .
Despite being an aesthetically horrible condition, there is a trick that can be very effective in eliminating wrinkles . So, see in detail its ingredients and method of preparation:
Homemade trick to eliminate wrinkles naturally:
– 3 teaspoons of baking soda ;
– 1 tablespoon of honey;
– 4 tablespoons of cinnamon ;
– 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil;
– 4 tablespoons of milk.
Preparation method:
- Mix all the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous paste and apply to the face taking care not to touch the eye area. Let it rest for about fifteen minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
- This mask has smoothing, regenerating and moisturizing properties.
- In addition, the presence of vitamin E helps fight free radicals and the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers. Finally, cinnamon will help control sebum production.
Facial gymnastics to eliminate wrinkles :
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In addition to this cream, you can also perform exercises that help strengthen your facial muscles. Against crow’s feet, close your eyes and stretch them as far as you can;
- For the neck, lift the chin towards the ceiling and, grimacing, push the jaw forward, you will feel an oppression under the chin. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat the exercise a dozen times.
- To firm the eye contour, place your index fingers at the outer corner of the eye and stretch the skin slightly to the sides, as if drawing the eyebrow line again until the fingers meet at the edge of the eye. Repeat 10 times.
- Work the lower muscles, close the jaw and lower the lower lip so that we can see the lower line of the teeth. If you do this correctly, you will feel tension in your chin. Hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.