Garlic to control cholesterol and lose weight at home!
Garlic to control cholesterol and lose weight works quickly and easily, as it is a way to lose weight effortlessly and without leaving home. I know you’re tired of trying to lose weight with medicine and drugs that don’t work? Discover some recipes that can change your life.
The important thing is to know the nutrients in the foods you eat and how to combine them with your diet. It’s great when you look in the mirror and you like what you see, you feel happy with yourself, but that doesn’t mean you’re a healthy person. Your entire body needs to function properly and therefore you cannot have clogged arteries, heart, intestinal, digestive, high cholesterol, among other water .
Today we are going to show you a recipe to eliminate these problems and you will also lose some pounds. However, be careful as this is not a recipe recommended for children.
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Garlic to control cholesterol and lose weight
You will need 1 glass container, half a liter of good red wine and 12 cloves of garlic.
Raw garlic is rich in medicinal properties (antioxidants, bacterial and antiseptic properties) and red wine also has substances that benefit the body – improves blood circulation, regenerates cells, contributes to heart health, has anti-inflammatory action. inflammation and many other benefits.
As Hippocrates said, “wine is something extremely suitable for human beings, both in sickness and in health, since it is ingested in moderation and in the right amount, according to the physique and organism of each individual”.
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It is with these two ingredients that you will improve your health and avoid many problems. Take note of the recipe that will change your life, it is very easy to prepare:
- 1: Start by cutting the garlic cloves into small pieces and then place them in the container.
- 2: fill the rest of the container with half a liter of wine.
- 3: Once the mixture is ready, take the container to a window or place it on your balcony (it is essential that the mixture receives natural light).
- 4: This “juice needs to ferment and it will take about 15 days. After this period, your drink will be ready to drink.
- 5: You just need to strain to remove all the garlic, leaving only the wine that cures.
- You can consume it three times a day, before main meals, in a dose equal to one tablespoon. When the wine runs out, you shouldn’t drink another one right away.
- Wait 15 days and you can re-do the recipe and restart the healing process to lose weight .