The Best Detoxifying Ingredients for Health

The Best Detoxifying Ingredients For Health are found here. In addition, the consumption of industrialized foods, excess salt, little fluid intake… All this makes the body accumulate substances that are not good for health. Low immunity, fat accumulation and even high blood pressure can be the results, but mainly the swelling appears, which makes the difference on the scale.Therefore, betting on natural foods, reducing sodium and drinking plenty of fluids are essential. Some foods are also rich in water and can help with the deflating process.

In addition, they offer fiber , which makes the intestines work, giving extra strength to wither the belly. Some examples are diuretic teas, citrus fruit juices such as lemon and diuretic foods such as melon, pineapple, and mint, indicate the nutritionist. So, check out The Best Detoxifying Ingredients For Health:

Watermelon: About 90% of the fruit is water, which means that watermelon hydrates the body very well, refreshes and fights swelling. Among the other benefits of the food are the presence of lycopene and vitamin C , nutrients that, together, reduce cholesterol preventing cardiovascular problems. Watermelon is also rich in potassium , a mineral that controls blood pressure .

How to use? 1 natural slice for breakfast or snack helps with water intake and fights fluid retention. If you are going to consume it in juices, avoid adding sugar, as the fruit is already quite sweet naturally.

Pineapple: Due to the presence of bromelain in its composition, a mixture of enzymes that break down protein, pineapple facilitates digestion, guarantees the nutritionist. That is, with the help of this substance, the feeling of heaviness and swelling in the belly disappears and the nutrients are better used, reducing hunger.

Bromelain is concentrated in the central part of the fruit, the one that is toughest and is supported by the fibers . So those who eat pineapple also fight constipation, a problem that goes beyond causing swelling, and can even cause a bad mood.

Arugula: With low caloric value, the vegetable contains folic acid, vitamin C , minerals such as calcium , iron , potassium and is rich in beta-carotene and omega-3, highlights the nutritionist. Folic acid is a B-complex vitamin that preserves the health of the heart and is indispensable before and during pregnancy as it is necessary for the formation of the nervous system of the fetus.

Calcium and potassium , on the other hand, contribute to a lower accumulation of fat and fluids in the body. There are those who appreciate the spicy flavor of arugula – for those, the vegetable can be consumed alone or combined with other ingredients such as cherry tomatoes and sun-dried tomatoes, or even included in juices to increase the amount of fiber for the most sensitive. – there with other leaves in the salad, such as lettuce and watercress.

Lettuce: One of the most common ingredients in salads, the vegetable is rich in water, fiber , vitamins and minerals. It yields combinations that go beyond the traditional lettuce and tomato – try combining it with other leaves, shredded chicken, carrots, beets and whatever else your imagination allows monitoring a nutritious, natural and detoxifying salad. Potassiumis a natural diuretic, which helps eliminate fluid, preventing swelling .

Lemon: Packed with nutrients such as citric acid and vitamin C , lemon helps to dissolve toxins and fats, promoting a real cleansing in the body. Vitamin C , in addition to strengthening the immune system, participates in the production of collagen, a protein that gives substance and elasticity to the skin.

How to use? To season salads and meats, in teas or juices.

Attention! After handling lemons, wash your hands and body parts that have come in contact with the fruit well, avoid exposing yourself to the sun, as lemon juice can cause serious burns.

Cabbage: The vegetable has become the darling of those who want to maintain a light diet and is a special ingredient of the so-called detox diet. That’s because kale helps eliminate toxins from the body and has become an indispensable ingredient of detox juices.

Cucumber: Lots of water and lots of fiber come together in the vegetable to fight against fluid retention and constipation, two problems that make the figure look fuller. Some of the causes of fluid retention are low water intake, sedentary lifestyle and high temperatures.

So, during the summer, nothing better than betting on light and refreshing foods like cucumber. With only 10 calories per 100g, the vegetable can be consumed freely in salads and added to juices to enrich them with fiber .

Eggplant: It is also the great fiber quality of the vegetable that helps the body eliminate toxins, in addition to prolonging satiety. The ideal is to consume the eggplant with the skin to gain anthocyanins. They are the ones that give the skin its purple color and regulate the formation of clots in the blood, helping to prevent heart attacks.

Tip! Opt for the consumption of roasted, boiled or grilled eggplant. If fried, because of its spongy consistency, it absorbs too much oil, becoming caloric.

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