The 8 Symptoms That Indicate Your Kidney Is In Danger
They also help detoxify your body by cleaning your blood every day, making sure your blood pressure is correct, your body is fed enough oxygen, your electrolytes are balanced, and your bones stay strong. So, if the kidneys are in danger, your body will show peculiar symptoms. So, Check Out The 8 Symptoms That Indicate Your Kidney Is In Danger.Swollen Limbs:  When the kidney is not working properly, the individual sounds less, as well as decreasing the number of times he goes to the bathroom to urinate . Water retention like this, results in swollen limbs and joints.
Urine Changes:  Feeling pressure when peeing or having problems is an important sign. Also, if you are peeing less often and your urine is dark, or you are peeing too much, too often and your urine is a pale color, this could be a sign. Also, if your urine is foamy and you have an uncontrollable urge to pee at night when you are sleeping, it is cause for alarm.
Rashes:  When there is something going on under the hood, the skin reacts. Especially if there’s excess waste buildup and your kidneys aren’t doing their job properly. This includes the appearance of a rash, itching, dry and irritable skin. Once these materials are unable to leave the body, it infiltrates the bloodstream and wreaks havoc.
Easily Tired:  Healthy kidneys produce the hormone EPO (erythropoietin), allowing red blood cells (RBC) to carry oxygen. If your red blood cells are low, you will feel tired very easily and this affects your brain and your muscle function. In addition to being a symptom of anemia .
Shortness of Breath:  A common sign of kidney problems , is when the body has less oxygen because low red blood cells are about to carry oxygen throughout your body, which results in a buildup of toxins in the lungs due to low circulation of oxygenated blood.
Metallic Taste:  The accumulation of waste in the body also changes the way you experience food, often with a metallic taste. In addition, it worsens your appetite and also gives you bad breath .
Pain:  Back pain is often associated with kidney problems as that is where they are located. It is also a symptom of infections or kidney stones.
Dizziness or Low Concentration:  Low oxygen flow is a sign of anemia and kidney failure. But it also reduces the ability to concentrate or focus as there is less oxygen to the brain as well. So make sure you consume plenty of antioxidants, pee on time, and drink plenty of water every day.