The 7 Safe Ways to Induce Vomiting
However, forcefully inducing vomiting can sometimes lead to bleeding and throat injuries. Whether it’s a throbbing migraine or a hangover , inducing vomiting often can cause serious changes in the stomach , which then can no longer accommodate food properly, causing constant vomiting after eating various foods, leading to what is called anorexia. . Check out the 7 Safe Ways to Induce Vomiting :
Consume Plenty of Water to Induce Vomiting: Consuming plenty of water is a safe way to induce vomiting . Expelling water will help relieve tension in the stomach , esophagus, and throat when vomiting . Water also helps to dilute stomach contents for easy expulsion. However, do not vomit immediately after drinking; It is advisable to wait 10 minutes before doing so.
Use a Tongue Cleanser to Induce Vomiting: You’ve probably felt nauseous the moment you used the tongue cleaner. This is the pharyngeal reflex that is triggered when something touches the back of the tongue, the roof of the mouth, the tonsils, or the uvula. This is a Safe Way to Induce Vomiting , Run the cleanser over your tongue three to four times, from tip to root of the tongue. This will definitely make you vomit .
Use Fingers To Induce Vomiting: Besides being the easiest way, it is also one of the Safe Ways to Induce Vomiting . Clean your hands well before starting. Put one or at most two fingers in your throat, and stay there for some time, until you feel discomfort and want to vomit . Even if it doesn’t work right away, don’t give up using this method of Inducing Vomiting , never use more than two for it.
Imagine Someone Vomiting to Induce Vomiting: How many times have you resisted the urge to vomit after seeing someone vomiting? Just the sight or sound of vomiting is enough to send us running to the nearest bathroom. This is a Safe Way to Induce Vomiting , so throw a YouTube video or Google images of people vomiting to vomit faster.
Gargle Warm Water To Induce Vomiting: Another safe and easy way to induce vomiting is to gargle with warm water. Continue gargling for at least 10 seconds with each attempt; this activity causes a gagging sensation, causing nausea that leads to vomiting .
Spinning To Induce Vomiting: As a child, we liked to have fun spinning it back and forth. Do you remember the nauseous sensations after spinning? Well, this is a simple and fun way to Induce Vomiting , start spinning right now until you feel dizzy, but be very careful not to injure yourself in the process.
Use Your Memories to Induce Vomiting: Remembering instances in your past when you threw up or thinking about something disgusting can also make you feel nauseous. Perhaps it was the unpleasant smell of a medicine you took as a child or a disgusting vision that is etched in your mind, harness your own memories to produce Induce Vomiting .
Remember that vomiting should only be induced when necessary. Frequent episodes of vomiting can be erosive to tooth enamel and can damage the throat and esophagus.