The 7 Health Benefits of Gardenia Oil
News of the week:
Gardenia Oil is a Great Anti-Inflammatory: Gardenia oil exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. It is an effective remedy for treating inflammatory diseases such as arthritis , ulcerative colitis and intestinal inflammation. Geniposide and genipin are two special chemicals in gardenia that promise anti-inflammatory actions. The two specialty chemicals are strong anti-inflammatory agents and can even help treat the symptoms of jaundice, edema, fever, and liver disorders.
Gardenia Oil is a Great Sedative and Anti-Awareness: Gardenia oil has many health benefits and helps to overcome seizures. It is an effective sedative. Studies have concluded that gardenia oil exhibits sedative, anti-convulsant and hypnotic activities in mice. The study also points out that the effect is enhanced when you mix gardenia with jujube seed oil (Zizyphus zizyphus).
Gardenia Oil Possesses Antibacterial Property: Gardenia oil is a strong bactericidal agent, which helps make it an effective remedy for treating bacterial infections like sepsis, tetanus, and others. Bactericidal activity also means it can be used on a surface you’d like to smell good and be germ-free. Just add a few drops of oil to the water and use it as a spray or sprinkle a few drops in a bucket of water. Gardenia also helps protect you from potentially dangerous bacterial infections caused by bacteria like salmonella and E.coli.
Gardenia Oil Possesses Antioxidant Property: Gardenia oil is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are chemicals that inhibit the formation of free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. They can also help you reduce your risk of getting cancer and purge the inducing toxins from the body. Antioxidants also play an important role in skin health and are responsible for reducing scarring and pigmentation.
Gardenia Oil Relieves Mood: Gardenia oil has many uses in aromatherapy and improves your mood, reduces anxiety and induces relaxation. So the next time you feel down, add gardenia oil to your bath, or massage your head with this oil. It not only helps warm up your body but improves your mood as well.
Gardenia Oil Helps Treat Interstitial Cystitis: Gardenia can help relieve interstitial cystitis. It helps to reduce pelvic pain. A study of 25 patients with interstitial cystitis found that 82% of patients reported a reduction in bladder and pelvic pain within 90 days of using gardenia oil . So, you can add a few drops of gardenia oil to your herbal tea to complement your interstitial cystitis treatment.
Useful links:
Gardenia Oil Possesses Aphrodisiac Property: Gardenia oil is an aphrodisiac. It increases your passion. So if you’re thinking of spicing things up in the bedroom, consider offering your partner a gardenia oil massage or adding a few drops of oil to your bath water.