The 7 Everyday Situations That Can Harm Your Vagina

The 7 Everyday Situations That Can Harm Your Vagina You certainly do or have done some of these. In addition, intimate hygiene is very important and this must be done properly so as not to harm the intimate health of the woman. The vagina has its own pH with a slight acidity that must be maintained, and washing excessively, using inappropriate products or shaving almost completely are habits that cause an imbalance in the pH and natural vaginal flora and which can lead to irritation, vaginal infections or mycoses.

Care for the vaginal region is important to avoid irritation, infections, discharges, among other problems, but some daily habits can be extremely harmful. These are common things that most people do without knowing that they can change the pH of the region, facilitating the proliferation of bacteria and fungi that compromise the health of the vagina . Then Check Out The 7 Everyday Situations That Can Harm Your Vagina.

Wearing Very Tight Clothes: Too tight pants and panties muffle the place, favoring the proliferation of bacteria that can cause urinary infection, candidiasis , among others. So Avoid super tight clothes because then it will  harm your Vagina.

Passing the toilet paper from back to front: By doing this movement, the paper carries bacteria present in the feces and anus to the vagina , causing a urinary tract infection.

Do not exaggerate the epilation: Epilation almost completely or using a razor and products for hair removal more than 3 times a week is also not recommended as it also harms your Vagina  and your intimate health. While almost total hair removal favors the growth of microorganisms and causes greater vaginal discharge , facilitating the appearance of diseases, shaving with a razor and hair removal products destroy the skin’s protective layer and eliminate its natural lubrication.

Washing the Area with a Sponge: As it is a very sensitive area, the vagina should not be rubbed with bath sponges, even soft ones, as they can cause injuries. Only use your hands when cleaning.

Wearing Cotton Underwear: The underwear you wear is another factor that influences your intimate hygiene , as underwear made of synthetic materials makes it difficult for the skin to transpire and increases the accumulation of sweat, which potentiates the emergence of diseases such as candidiasis or vaginal infections, for example. Thus, you should only wear cotton underwear, which should be changed daily or after larvae or showers. So avoid these underwear for the day to day rush because they can  harm your Vagina.

Use Wet Wipes: In an emergency, they can be useful, but if used frequently, they can cause allergies, as they contain many chemicals, such as those that guarantee the aroma.

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Use Scented Toilet Paper: The chemical substances that make the product smell are also responsible for triggering allergies and itching. The traditional version is the best.

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