The 7 Benefits of Maca Root for Women

The 7 Benefits of Maca Root for Women  are diverse, as the maca root  has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. Additionally, the native Andes have been consuming maca root (commonly known as “Peruvian ginseng”) for centuries as a superfood for various conditions.

Although it has been an important food in the diet of the Andean natives for thousands of years, recently Western researchers have discovered the incredible benefits this ancient herb has for women. Sexual health, fertility and countering the effects of menopause are just some of the benefits this healing herb has to offer. So check out  The 7 Maca Root Benefits for Women.Maca Root Benefits for  Reducing Menopause Symptoms:
Maca root has been widely used as a hormone balancer and recent research shows that the high nutrient density and phytochemical content are major contributors to this effect. Research concludes that women who consumed maca root supplements had a large reduction in menopausal symptoms such as night sweats, depression, hot flashes and insomnia.

Benefits of Maca Root to Enhance Sexuality:  In women, sexual dysfunction depends on a multitude of factors, age, lifestyle, diet and medical conditions on their minds. Although conventional medicine has created pharmaceutical remedies designed to increase women’s sexual desire and satisfaction, these products often bring side effects that create more problems than ever before.

One study examined the effectiveness of maca root consumption to counteract sexual dysfunction in women as a result of antidepressant treatment. The women who participated in the study achieved an improvement in sexual satisfaction by taking maca root every day (no more than 3 grams).

Maca Root is Aphrodisiac:  While some researchers argue about the aphrodisiac powers of maca, small-scale studies suggest that maca root can be used in the bedroom. It is no accident that maca root has been cataloged for centuries as an aphrodisiac.

Rich in minerals like zinc , iodine and essential fatty acids, maca has the power to balance sex hormones and improve mood. With mood and a healthy, balanced level of hormones, arousal is much easier to achieve.

Mood Enhancement Benefits of Maca Root:  Nutritional studies have shown that the natural fatty acids found in foods, including maca root , are needed to improve mood and keep the brain healthy. An examination of maca ‘s protective effects on thebrain showed promising results, with many researchers hoping to find a natural alternative to drugs that improve the brain’s cognitive abilities.

The fatty acids present in maca root improve brain function and are responsible for stabilizing analytical skills, cognitive function and rational thinking. Doctors of holistic medicine often recommend omega-3 fatty acids (such as those found in maca root ) as a first step in relieving some symptoms associated with depression , anxiety , and stress.

Maca Root Benefits for Fertility :  Infertility is becoming more and more common in both men and women and it is no accident that many people are turning to natural alternatives to improve their fertility problem.

So far, research has only studied the impacts maca root has on fertility in animals with promising results. The highlight so far is the ability to stimulate luteinizing hormone in the pituitary gland. This hormone is associated with fertility among other things.

Benefits of Maca Root for Increasing Bone Density:  Weak bones or decreased bone density is very common for women as they age. Studies into the effects of maca on menopausal symptoms have found that maca root helps increase bone density. This is especially beneficial for those women who have close relatives who have suffered from osteoporosis .

Maca Root Is An Excellent Energizer:  Maca is rich in vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and proteins. These natural nutrients improve energy levels and help you recover from wounds and heal muscles.

Useful links: 

Numerous studies have evaluated maca root in its role as an ally of athletes for the same reasons. So don’t be an athlete, incorporating maca  into your daily routine is an excellent way to bring you amazing health benefits.

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