The 6 Side Effects of Mineral Oil for Health

The Side Effects of Mineral Oil For Health , which many are unaware of. In addition, mineral oil  is famous for its benefits, but you should know its side effects, as what may be beneficial for some may be harmful for others.Mineral oil also has potential health side effects, and causes diarrhea, rectal bleeding, nausea , bloating, cramping, skin irritation, rashes, bloating and shortness of breath , as well as dangerous complications for people with various medical conditions. Check out below,  the 6 side effects of mineral oil for health:Mineral Oil Side Effects Cause Allergic Reactions: Some people have reported severe allergic reactions when using  mineral oil as a topical application, specifically people who have sensitive skin. This can come in the form of inflammation , redness, swelling, itching, hives, or a rash .

More serious symptoms of mineral oil side effects include throat swelling , shortness of breath, and chest tightness. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop using mineral oil immediately.

Gastrointestinal Disorder: Due to the strong side effects of  mineral oil on the gastrointestinal system . The mineral oil side effects reported above affect this area of ​​the body, especially when it is consumed too much. This can include bloating , cramping, increased constipation, nausea, vomiting, and rectal bleeding . If these mineral oil side effects persist, speak to your doctor.

Mineral Oil Side Effects for Pregnancy: There is limitedresearch on the use of mineral oil during pregnancy. Therefore, it is not recommended for indoor consumption, although minimal use is safe.

Side Effects of Mineral Oil for General Health:  There are a number of medical problems that can be exacerbated by the use of mineral oil , such as heart disease, kidney problems, anorexia, bulimia, appendicitis or chronic bowel conditions.

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Side Effects of Mineral Oil for the Bowel:  Prolonged use of mineral oil is not recommended as it can impair bowel function. For acute constipation or gastric discomfort, mineral oil should help, but if it’s not effective, don’t increase your dose or use mineral oil consistently for longer than a week.

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