The 6 Main Symptoms of Urinary Infection

The Main Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection  can happen in any part of the urinary tract. In addition, bacteria are a large part of the cause, but fungi and viruses can also cause a urinary tract infection. This is the second most common infection in humans, studies report that there are approximately 8 million visits to doctors annually.

This type of disorder is more common in adult women than in men, as their urethra is shorter. Symptoms are burning when urinating, increased frequency of going to the bathroom, feeling of a full bladder and cloudy color of urine. Next, So check now The 6 Main Symptoms of Urinary Infection.

Pain on Urinating (Dysuria):   Pain on urination, called dysuria, is perhaps the most common symptom of a urinary tract infection . Dysuria is a term that encompasses different complaints during urination, such as pain, burning, burning, discomfort or heaviness in the bladder .

Difficulty urinating is a very common symptom in cystitis and urethritis, and may occasionally occur in pyelonephritis. It is caused by irritation of the bladder and urethra caused by Urinary Infection Symptoms .

In women, gynecological infections can cause painful urination, either from inflammation in the area around the urethra entrance or from the pain that acidic urine causes with the inflamed vulva. The tip to think about gynecological infection and not urinary infection  is the presence of vaginal discharge.

Blood in the Urine (Hematuria): The presence of blood in the urine is called hematuria. Blood in the urine is the sign of Urinary Infection Symptoms that most frighten patients, but it is usually not a sign of severity. Hematuria can be macroscopic, when it is easily noticed in the urine , or microscopic, when it is only detected through laboratory tests.

Blood in the urine is a common symptom in cystitis, but it can also occur in pyelonephritis or urethritis. As with dysuria, the presence of blood arises from irritation of the bladder and urethra.

Fever:  When thinking about infection , fever is always one of the Symptoms of Urinary Infection . In urinary tract infection , however, fever usually only appears in cases of pyelonephritis. Cystitis does not usually cause a fever, when it does, it is usually below 38ºC. Fever is also not common in urethritis, except in the most severe cases, where the bacteria have spread to the bloodstream.

In pyelonephritis, fever is usually high, greater than 38°C, and is often accompanied by chills. High fever is the sign that usually differentiates pyelonephritis from other causes of urinary tract infection .

More Serious Urinary Infection Symptoms:

Changes in the State of Consciousness:  When originating in the kidneys , pyelonephritis can be severe, leading to ageneralized infection . If not treated soon, it can cause neurological problems such as disorientation and a reduced level of consciousness. The elderly are the most likely to develop this disease. As it does not present other Symptoms of Urinary Infection , the only clue of the disease is often the neurological alteration.

Involuntary Leakage of Urine:  One of the Symptoms of Urinary Infection can be difficulty holding urine. The person feels the urge to urinate , but is unable to reach the bathroom in time. This symptom is common in children and the elderly.

If you experience one of these Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms , it is important that you seek treatment. The first step is to see a doctor. He will order tests to diagnose whether you really have the disease and what type of infection you have developed. Treatment depends on this consultation, but typically involves the use of antibiotics .

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The Two Faces of the Problem:  Cystitis is the most common type of urinary tract infection . It affects the bladder, and the Symptoms of Urinary Infection include the urge to pee all the time, in addition to burning and bleeding when urinating . Antibiotics, analgesics and hydration usually do the trick.

Pyelonephritis, in turn, is the most harmful form of the condition, as the bacteria reach the kidneys, causing fever and malaise. Treatment is longer and may require hospitalization.

Useful links: 

urinary tract infection can happen anywhere in the urinary tract Bacteria are a big part of the cause, but fungi and viruses can also cause a urinary tract infection . This is the second most common infection in humans, (NKUDIC) reports that there are approximately 8 million visits to doctors annually.

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