The 5 Benefits of Cambará for Health

The Benefits of Cambará for Health are diverse and varied. In addition, Cambará has several essential nutrients for the general health of the body. Its leaves are opposite, with numerous flowers that appear arranged in clusters with yellowish, orange or reddish coloration, the plant can also be called Cambará de cheiro, Cambará de Espinho, Cambará true, Cambará  de Lead, Cambará  Red, Cambará miúda, chumbinho herb, cricket corn, camarajuba, among other names. Its fruits appear in sputum-shaped aggregates and have a dark wine color, but are only edible when ripe. The plant can be reproduced by seeds, seedlings or even cuttings, having preference in more or less humid soils to develop.The parts of the plant used for alternative medicine are the leaves and flowers. The plant , scientific name Lantana camara, is native to tropical America, being easily found in Brazil. For storage, the leaves and flowers, which can be used fresh or dried in the sun, should be placed in paper or cloth bags, away from moisture and in a ventilated environment. Consumption is made through the infusion of both leaves and flowers. Check out the 5 Benefits of Cambará for Health:Benefits of Cambará To Combat Pain: For the treatment of pain, use Cambará as follows: In a pestle, place 2 tablespoons of fresh leaves and flowers of Cambará . Knead well until it acquires a pasty consistency. Spread on a cloth or gauze and apply to the affected areas, 2 times a day, leaving it on for 1 hour or overnight.

Benefits of Cambará for the Treatment of Abdominal Diseases: In researches carried out with the extract of Cambará , they were able to reach the result that the plant has an antispasmodic action in the intestine. With this result, they were able to scientifically prove the efficiency of Cambará in the fight against abdominal and respiratory diseases.

Benefits of Cambará for the Treatment of Rheumatism: Cambará is  widely used for the treatment of rheumatism, it can also be used for the treatment of bruises, joint pain and muscle pain. Make a compress with Cambará tea in the affected place, using the infusion of 3 tablespoons of fresh sliced ​​leaves in 1 glass of water. Let it boil for 5 minutes and strain. Apply while still warm.

Benefits of Cambará for the Treatment of Respiratory Diseases: Made with the leaves and flowers of Cambará are highly used for the treatment of respiratory diseases. its active principles act as an expectorant in respiratory tract disorders. In cases of: coughs, bronchitis, colds, catarrh, hoarseness, asthma and whooping cough and feverish states, a syrup of the plant can also be made .

  • Place 2 tablespoons of flowers and 2 of fresh leaves in a pestle.
  • Knead well and add a cup of boiling water.

Preparation mode:

  • Mix well and strain. Then bring to the fire with 2 cups of crystal sugar and let the sugar dissolve well.
  • Take 1 tablespoon up to 3 times a day. For children use half the dose.

Benefits of Cambará For General Health: Cambará has medicinal properties widely used to treat health problems. Among its properties are its action as an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, balsamic, diuretic, stimulant, expectorant, sweating, tonic and pulmonary tonic. It can be used in the treatment of stomach disorders, lung disorders, asthma, bronchitis, earaches , spasms, fever, rheumatism, whooping cough, respiratory problems, cough, catarrhal cough, among others.

Useful links: 

Note: Cambará is toxic, so it should only be used with medical advice and prescription. Among its side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, difficult breathing, among others, which may appear a few hours after consumption. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention urgently.

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