The 4 Main Symptoms of Hemophilia
What is Hemophilia: Hemophilia is a blood clotting disorder. For example: when we cut some part of our body and it starts to bleed, proteins (elements responsible for the growth and development of all body tissues) come into action to stop the bleeding. This process is called clotting. People with hemophilia do not have these proteins and therefore bleed more than normal.
Hemophilia Symptom: The extent of bleeding depends on the type and severity of hemophilia . Children who have mild hemophilia may not have symptoms unless there is excessive bleeding from a dental procedure, accident, or surgery. Male babies with severe hemophilia may bleed heavily after circumcision.
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Bleeding can occur on the surface of the body (external bleeding) or inside the body ( internal bleeding ).
- Bleeding in the mouth from a cut or bite.
- Bleeding from the nose for no obvious reason.
- Heavy bleeding from a small cut.
- Bleeding in the cut, which comes back after stopping for a long time.
Causes of Hemophilia: Hemophilia is a genetic and hereditary disease transmitted from parents to children at the time of conception. The gene that causes hemophilia is transmitted by the XX sex chromosome pair. In general, women do not develop the disease, but they are carriers of the defect and are capable of transmitting it. The male child is the one who can manifest the disease. But although it is very rare, there are also hemophiliac women.
Treatment of Hemophilia: There is no cure for Hemophilia , but the condition can be controlled with regular intravenous replacement of clotting factors that are deficient. Some hemophiliacs, however, develop antibodies against such factors.
In severe hemophilia , the hemophiliac patient may receive replacement therapy regularly to prevent bleeding, it is called preventive or prophylactic therapy. In mild hemophilia , replacement therapy is used, which is used only when bleeding occurs, it is called therapy on demand. This is less invasive and cheaper than the first.
Clotting factor concentrates can be made from human blood treated to prevent the transmission of viral diseases, for example. To further reduce this risk, concentrates that do not use human blood, are recombinant clotting factors, can be used. They can be given to the hemophiliac patient as a therapeutic home dose for immediate use in case of unexpected bleeding , which must be administered by the hemophiliac patient or by a previously trained person nearby.
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The patient should also use physical therapy after the acute phase of bleeding to strengthen muscles and joints, accelerating recovery and reducing the possibility of sequelae.