10 health benefits of blue-green algae!

The benefits of blue-green algae   that you don’t know about are still many as it describes a large and diverse group of simple organisms. Also, similar to plants, found in salt water and some large freshwater lakes.

Blue-green algae products are used for many problems, but so far there is no scientific evidence that determines whether or not they are effective for any of them. In addition, blue-green algae are used as a source of dietary protein  , B vitamins and iron.

They are also used for weight loss , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), hay fever, diabetes, stress , fatigue, anxiety, depression and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and other women’s health issues.

Some people use it to treat precancerous growths inside the mouth, boost the immune system, improve memory, boost energy and metabolism, lower cholesterol , prevent heart disease, heal wounds, and improve digestion and gut health.

Benefits of blue-green algae:

Blue -green algae are high in protein , iron, and other minerals, which are absorbed when taken orally. In addition, they are being researched for their potential effects on the immune system, swelling (inflammation), and viral infections.

1. Seasonal allergies:

Research shows that taking 2 grams a day for 6 months can alleviate some allergy symptoms in adults.

2. Insulin resistance:

Previous research shows that taking 19 grams a day by mouth for 2 months increases insulin sensitivity in people with insulin resistance due to HIV medication.

3. Arsenic poisoning:

Early research shows that taking 250 mg and 2 mg of zinc orally twice daily for 16 weeks reduces arsenic levels and the effects of arsenic on the skin of people living in areas with a high content of arsenic in their drinking water .

4. Attention deficit disorder:

Early research shows that dissolving 3 mL of a product containing blue-green algae , peony, ashwagandha , gotu kola, bacopa and lemon balm in 50-60 mL of water and drinking it three times a day for 4 months improves ADHD in children aged 6 to 12 years who have not had other treatments for ADHD.

5. Tics or twitching of the eyelids:

Early research shows that taking a specific product at a dose of 1500 mg daily for 6 months does not reduce eyelid twitching in people with blepharospasm.

6. Treat diabetes:

A preliminary study shows that people with type 2 diabetes who take 1 gram of a product orally twice a day have lower blood sugar levels.

7. Exercise performance:

One study shows that men who run regularly are able to run for longer periods of time before getting tired when they take 2 grams of blue-green algae three times a day for 4 weeks.

8. Hepatite C:

Research on the effects of blue-green algae on people with chronic hepatitis C has been inconsistent. One study showed that taking 500 mg of blue-green spirulina algae orally three times a day for 6 months resulted in greater improvements in liver function.

Compared with milk thistle in adults with hepatitis C who have not yet been treated or have not responded to other treatments. However, another study showed that taking it for a month worsens liver function in people with hepatitis C or hepatitis B.

9. Prevent against HIV / AIDS:

Research on the effects on people with HIV/AIDS has been inconsistent. Some early research shows that taking 5 grams of blue and green algae a day for 3 months reduces the incidence of infections, stomach and intestinal problems, feeling tired and breathing problems in HIV/AIDS patients. However, taking blue-green algae does not appear to improve CD4 cell counts or reduce viral load in HIV patients.

10. Fight high cholesterol:

Research shows that they lower cholesterol in people with normal or slightly elevated cholesterol levels. However, the survey results were somewhat inconsistent. In some studies, they only reduce bad cholesterol . Also, in other studies, blue-green algae lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol , and increases HDL (good) cholesterol .

Side effects:

Blue-green algae products that are free of contaminants such as liver -damaging substances called microcystins, toxic metals, and harmful bacteria are safe for most people. But blue and green algae products that are contaminated are likely to be unsafe, especially for children. In addition, children are more sensitive to contaminated blue-green algae products than adults.

Useful links: 

Contaminated blue-green algae can cause liver damage , stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, weakness, thirst, tachycardia, shock, and death. Also, do not use any blue-green algae products that have not been tested and are free of contamination.

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