The 17 Health Benefits of Black Tea

The Health Benefits of Black Tea are diverse. because,  Black Tea has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of our body. In addition,  black tea is one of the most consumed teas. This tea is prepared from the leaves of the shrub called Camellia Sinensis and is more oxidized than Oolong, green and white teas. Thus, it generally has a stronger flavor than other tea varieties.

The production method of black tea makes it different from other tea varieties. After being plucked, the tea leaves are dried to release moisture. When they lose the maximum amount of moisture, the sheets are rolled, manually or with the help of machines, through exposure to high temperatures. Once the leaves are completely oxidized, they are classified according to their size.

The name “ black tea ” can be attributed to the darkness of the tea liqueur. However, technically it is a dark amber or orange hue. Hence the Chinese referred to it as red tea. The caffeine content in any tea is often a cause for concern. As far as black tea is concerned, a cup of black tea has about half the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee.

Black tea is a good choice to include as part of your diet because of its various health benefits , most of which can be attributed to its favorable nutritional profile. Due to increased oxidation, black tea has more flavor and caffeine than its other counterparts. Also, the flavor of black tea can be kept for a much longer time than other teas. So, The 17 Health Benefits of Black Tea .

Black Tea Prevents Cancer:  The antioxidants, called polyphenols, found in black tea help in preventing the formation of potential carcinogens in the body, resulting in the prevention of certain types of cancer such as ovarian , lung , prostate , colorectal andbladder. Studies have revealed that black tea is effective in preventing stomach, prostate and breast cancer .

Black tea contains a compound called TF-2 which is responsible for causing apoptosis (programmed death of cancer cells) while normal cells remain unaffected. In addition, black tea can also significantly reduce the risk of oral cancer in those who smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products. Black tea also prevents cancer by inhibiting the formation and growth of malignant tumors.

Benefits of Black Tea to Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases:  Research has proven that consumption of black tea reduces the propensity of cardiovascular problems. Antioxidants, such as flavonoids, present in black tea prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol . It prevents damage to the bloodstream and artery walls, and reduces the risk of heart disease.

In fact, consumption of black tea has been considered to reverse a coronary artery disease called vasomotor endothelial dysfunction. This dysfunction also leads to other coronary diseases. The flavonoids in black tea are effective in improving coronary vasodilation and reducing blood clots. The polyphenols and manganese present in black tea reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by helping the heart muscle function.

Black Tea Eliminates Free Radicals :  Free radicals in the body can cause various cellular damage such as blood clots, cancer and atherosclerosis . Consumption of unhealthy foods increases the number of free radicals in your body. The antioxidants present in black tea remove these harmful free radicals, thus protecting the body from diseases such as Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Black tea with lemon is a good choice for this action.

Benefits of Black Tea to Prevent Skin Cancer:   The antioxidants present in black tea provide protection against skin cancer.

Benefits of Black Tea to Strengthen the Immune System:  A strong immune system is necessary to fight off bacteria and viruses that can cause illness. Black tea contains substances called “tannins” that have the ability to fight viruses such as the flu , dysentery, hepatitis, cold and flu . One such tannin called ‘catechin’ helps in suppressing tumors. The alkylamine antigens in black tea stimulate the immune response. Drinking 3 to 4 cups of black tea a day helps to reduce inflammation and eliminate harmful pathogens.

Benefits of Black Tea for Oral Health:  The antioxidants contained in black tea help in reducing oral cancers. Polyphenols and tannins act as antibiotics, thus inhibiting the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Black tea contains fluoride which fights bad breath and prevents tooth decay by eradicating harmful bacteria from the oral cavity. A daily dose of two cups of black tea provides about 1.5 mg of fluoride.

Consuming four cups of black tea a day for a month has been found to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. The caffeine in black tea boosts your memory. Studies have suggested that drinking black tea on a regular basis protects against Parkinson’s disease.

Benefits of Black Tea for Healthy Bones:  The powerful phytochemicals in black tea help in strengthening bones and connective tissue. In fact, research has proven that black tea drinkers have comparatively healthier bones.

Benefits of Black Tea for the Digestive System:  The tannins in black tea are beneficial for digestion. These tannins help fight gastric and intestinal diseases by having a therapeutic effect. In addition, they exert an anti-diarrheal effect and help reduce intestinal activity. Polyphenols help in decreasing intestinal inflammation suffered by irritable bowel syndrome patients.

Benefits of Black Tea as an Energy Source:  Due to its caffeine content , black tea is considered an energizing drink that increases efficiency. Caffeine , when taken in moderation, acts as a stimulant, increasing brain function and alertness. In fact, the stimulating effect of caffeine in black tea is more effective than coffee and cola. Black tea has another compound called “theophylline” that stimulates the respiratory system, heart and kidneys. Thus, these compounds help in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

Benefits of Black Tea to Aid in Weight Loss:  Being ultra low in sodium , fat and calories, black tea is highly beneficial for people who want to lose weight and helps in maintaining a healthy weight. Thus, it acts as an effective substitute for unhealthy soda drinks, preventing the intake of weight-gaining calories. Drinks that contain higher amounts of fat can cause lethal problems and illness. Black tea also increases metabolic activity and thus aids in weight loss .

Benefits of Black Tea for Cholesterol:  Black tea is effective in lowering the level of triglycerides. It can reduce bad cholesterol , thus reducing the risk of heart disease. Drinking several glasses of black tea improves the functioning of the arteries and does not allow the accumulation of cholesterol inside them.

Other Health Benefits of Black Tea: 

  • Black Tea has antioxidants that strengthen blood vessels and tannin.
  • Black Tea  increases the body’s resistance against various infections.
  • Black Tea inhibits allergic responses.
  • Black  tea  slows tumor growth and can even delay the onset of diabetes .
  • Black Tea acts as a sun blocking agent when applied to the skin.
  • Black Tea,  the polyphenols and tannins present in black tea accelerate the skin’s regeneration process.

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