The 15 Side Effects of Soy Protein

The 15 Soy Protein Side Effects  are not widely known, but you should definitely know them. In addition, Soy Protein  is famous for its benefits, but you should know its Side Effects , because what may be beneficial for some may be harmful for others. “ Soy ? Oh, this is very healthy! “- Yes, that’s what most of us think when we hear about Soy . For a long time, soy  has been treated as a healthy alternative to meat and has been promoted as a health food.There was a time when Soy Protein was promoted as a natural superfood. But in recent times it is again in the spotlight due to some of its creepy side effects . Consuming it in a short period of time, say for about six months, is safe. However, ingesting soy protein in high dosages for a long period of time appears to be unsafe.

While the most common side effects of consuming this soy derivative  are restricted to nausea, bloating and constipation, there are also a few others that may pose a concern. Before taking a look at Soy Protein Side Effects , let’s understand what actually causes these Side Effects .

Soy Protein contains various toxins including phytic acid, phytoestrogens, hemagglutinin and trypsin inhibitors which are the root cause of the dangers. However, Soy Protein Side Effects  are just the possible negative impacts and can be avoided with restricted use. So check out now  The 15 Soy Protein Side Effects:

Soy Protein Side Effects Affects Fertility in Women:  A study conducted in Brazil in 2009 proved that soy  affects the reproductive system in women. Therefore, it is essential to keep a tab on your soy consumption  when you are finding it difficult to get pregnant .

The studies were conducted in female rats for 15 months under laboratory conditions. During this period, their diet consisted of genetically modified Soy Protein . And, the results were really shocking. These mice showed an increased level of progesterone. The uterus and menstrual cycles of these mice showed drastic changes.

If you extrapolate these human studies, you will see that women who use genetically modified soy protein are at a higher risk of developing retrograde menstruation. In such cases, women will suffer from stopped cycles. This, in turn, causes endometriosis, which is one of the leading causes of infertility in women.

Soy Protein Side Effects Affects Menstrual Periods:  Yet another study suggests that those using genetically modified soy protein isolate may experience an abnormally long period. This condition is medically termed as “Menorrhagia”.

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Cause Endocrine Disruptions:  Soybeans are  full of certain “biologically active compounds” such as genistein, glycetin, daidzein, etc. These are collectively called “isoflavones”. These phytochemicals are categorized as “estrogen disruptors”. They interfere with the normal functions of our endocrine system. Isoflavones can increase or decrease the activities of natural estrogens by activating receptors or preventing them from binding. As a result, we suffer from hormonal imbalance.

Genetically modified Soy Protein contains glyphosate This element hinders the endocrine system of women. This, in turn, makes it difficult for aromatase, the estrogen producer, to function. Estrogen plays an important role in pregnancy , as a woman produces high levels during pregnancy. Lower levels of this hormone are known to be harmful to the fetus and the expectant mother.

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Cause a Loss of Libido: Soy  Protein Side Effects  are not just restricted to women. Men are also affected by it. Studies reveal that Soy Protein has been used by celibate monks to keep their libido in check. Therefore, it is advisable to read the ingredients of items such as protein shakes and energy bars twice before consuming them.

Furthermore, the other two components of Soy Protein , namely daidzein and genistein, are perfect estrogen mimics. They cause erectile dysfunction , as men using this protein are also known to experience mood swings, lower sperm count, gynecomastia, and even excessive growth of body and facial hair .

Soy Protein Side Effects May Increase Bladder Cancer Risk:  Studies have established that the risk of developing bladder cancer increases when soy protein is used in excess. The risk is worse if you have a genetic historyof bladder cancer . In such cases, stay away from Soy Protein as well as soy -infused foods  to protect yourself from this painful problem.

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Cause Kidney Problems:  Soy and its variants are a natural source of aluminum. Excessive presence of this metal is known to be the main cause of various kidney diseases. The oxalates present in soy  are known to cause kidney stones . It is difficult for our digestive system to process these oxalates. As a result, they accumulate inside the kidneys .

When levels of these oxalates become dangerously high, they turn into stones . If you have a history of kidney failure or any other kidney ailments, it is advised that you stay away from Soy Protein.

Soy Protein Side Effects May Increase Breast Cancer Risk:  More studies have shown that soy isoflavones  can “proliferate” or increase the number of epithelial cells present in female breasts. In other words, the isoflavones present in soy  disrupt the functionality of estrogenic hormones, which increases the risk of breast cancer , gradually turning epithelial cells into cancerous ones.

However, there are some studies that contraindicate the aforementioned negative impact of Soy . Whether soy  affects the formation of breast cancer or not, it’s always best to stay safe. Restrict the amount of Soy Protein in your diet . If you have a family history of breast cancer, then it is advisable to stay away from this protein until further research is conducted.

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Be Harmful to the Pancreas:  Soy Protein contains trypsin inhibitors. Trypsin is a digestive enzyme that helps break down proteins  in the small intestine. The pancreas secretes this enzyme in the form of trypsinogen. Studies suggest that inhibitors prevent this enzyme from working, damaging the pancreas in the process.

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Block Absorption of Various Minerals:  Soybeans contain a high level of phytic acid or phytates, which prevent our body from absorbing essential minerals like iron , zinc , calcium , magnesium and others. Due to the lack of these minerals , our internal system starts to function abnormally and we suffer from vitamin D deficiency , anemia , fatigue, palpitations, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, etc.

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Coagulate Blood:  There is a toxin called hemagglutinin present in soy . It clumps red blood cells together and creates tiny blood clots within the bloodstream. This is extremely dangerous as it limits the normal flow of blood and obstructs the various functions of the body.

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Lead to Hypothyroidism:  If you have already been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid gland, chances are high that you will end up developing hypothyroidism or other autoimmune thyroid diseases by increasing your soy intake  . The phytoestrogens and goitrogens present in soy  have a negative impact on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

According to published studies, the isoflavones present in soy milk  are capable of depleting iodine levels and creating an acute iodine deficiency in our body. Without enough iodine, the thyroid gland cannot function properly and its secretion goes down. It leads to hypothyroidism, followed by weight gain , insomnia , various digestive problems, and mood swings.

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Cause Gastrointestinal Discomfort:  We all know that Soy  contains a lot of Protein . But, you will be surprised to learn that it contains another compound that restricts the digestion of proteins  , blocking the enzymes necessary for this purpose. As a result, we experience symptoms like bloating , stomach pain, and constipation .

Soy  releases a mucus-like substance when it breaks down within our system It forms a lining on the inner wall of the gastrointestinal tract, which generates lots of mucus and slows down the digestion process . All of these conditions lead to acute stomach pains , irritable bowel syndrome, or diarrhea .

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Cause Endometrial Cancer: Many of us take concentrated soy  isoflavone supplements to meet our daily protein requirement . Prolonged use of such pills can result in endometrial cancer. According to scientists, these supplements can promote abnormal tissue growth in our uterus , causing “precancerous changes” in the lining of endometrial tissue or uterus. Pregnant women should always stay away from these supplements as they can harm the fetus as well.

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Lead to Asthma:  It is also proven that regular intake of Soy  can cause respiratory problems like asthma . Excessive consumption of soy  can lead to an increase in mucus levels in the body, which can cause problems like cold, cough and asthma.

Soy Protein Side Effects Can Cause Other Problems Like:

  • Soy contains purines  , which increases the risk as well as worsening the condition of gout .
  • Excessive intake of soy  can cause skin rashes, itchiness and severe allergies .
  • Soy hulls  can lead to allergic rhinitis or hay fever.

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