The 15 Health Benefits of Yellow Tea

The Benefits of Yellow Tea for Health  are diverse, as it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. Also,  rare and unique, yellow tea is slowly becoming a popular drink. It has a surprising fruity aroma, is sweet in taste, and provides a variety of health benefits. Yellow tea can help you shed those extra pounds and treat inflammatory bowel disease. Yellow tea can, in fact, rid your body of harmful toxins, improve your mental alertness, cure diabetes, and lower the risk of brain problems.

Read on to find out more about this tea variety . Like many other teas , yellow tea is native to China and is becoming popular all over the world. This tea is famous in China for its distinct fruity taste, smooth texture and attractive aroma. You may not know this, but yellow tea is quite similar to green tea in terms of antioxidant content. However, yellow tea is easier on the stomach. Going down to the physical aspects, yellow tea has a bright yellow color. But, this color is not natural.

This distinctive color is achieved due to a maneuver in tea production conveniently named “sealed yellow”. Here, the tea polyphenols (catechins) are slowly oxidized to bring out the yellow color, which is sweet and mellow, very different from the grassy flavor of green tea . There are several types of yellow tea that are known to serve different purposes. For example, Yinzhen yellow tea helps to burn extra fat. This drink contains a number of minerals and vitamins namely A1, B2, B12, C and E. So check out now,  The 12 Health Benefits of Yellow Tea.

Benefits of Yellow Tea To Promote Weight Loss: Many studies have concluded that yellow tea extract can speed up metabolism and fat burning abilities. The polyphenols and catechins present in yellow tea give it its fat burning properties. All you need to do is replace yourregular tea with yellow tea , preferably without any sweetener, and witness weight loss within a few months.

Benefits of Yellow Tea for Liver: This miracle drink can help in treating hepatitis and other liver related disorders. Many animal studies have suggested that yellow tea polyphenols, and specifically a catechin, may have both restrictive and inhibitory effects in hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). This makes yellow tea an effective home remedy for treating hepatitis symptoms.

Benefits of Yellow Tea As Anti-Inflammatory : Annoyed by frequent visits to the bathroom? Start drinking yellow tea. There have been many cases where yellow tea has helped to reduce inflammation accompanied by ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Again, polyphenols are the magic ingredients that exhibit anti-inflammatory characteristics.

Benefits of Yellow Tea to Prevent Diabetes: Traditionally, green and yellow teas help people to control blood sugar levels. Studies suggest that yellow tea can potentially prevent type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetics cannot normally produce insulin, which is essential for converting glucose (sugar) into energy. In this way, include yellow tea in your daily routine to ward off the risks associated with diabetes.

Benefits of Yellow Tea To Treat Atherosclerosis: Bothered by joint pain caused by atherosclerosis? I suggest drinking theyellow tea . Yellow tea is full of antioxidants and polyphenols, and since it has many similarities to green tea , it can help prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

Benefits of Yellow Tea for Lowering Cholesterol Levels: Yellow tea has been proven to reduce LDL, or ‘bad’, cholesterol while increasing HDL, better known as ‘good’, cholesterol in the body. A study of men who drank yellow or green tea observed that they had lower blood cholesterol levels than those who did not.

Benefits of Yellow Tea As Anti-Cancer: Did you know that a cup of hot tea can help you fight cancer. Yellow tea has many carcinogenic effects that several population-based studies have reported. Cancer rates in Japan and countries where green/yellow tea are consumed are lower than in other countries. Again, polyphenols and antioxidants play an important role in eliminating cancer cells from the body. One study found that women who consumed the most yellow/green tea experienced a lesser spread of cancer, especially women who were in the early stages of cancer.

These polyphenols even help to restrict the development of esophageal cancer cells as well as the development of lung cancer cells, making the tea powerful in preventing all types of cancers. However, few studies have been carried out on this aspect of yellow tea , making it impossible to confirm with certainty whether these polyphenols can eliminate esophageal cancer.

Benefits of Yellow Tea as Anti-Aging: The presence of high levels of nutrients and antioxidants allows yellow tea to fight against all signs of aging, including wrinkles and blemishes, giving you flawless and attractive skin.

Benefits of Yellow Tea to Increase Appetite: Long working hours and unnecessary stress stimulate a lot of things in our life, including our appetite. We all go through a phase where we don’t feel like eating, even if it’s been several hours without ingesting anything at all. Well, you can regain your appetite with the help ofyellow tea .

Benefits of Yellow Tea for Mind: Children are advised to avoid tea until a certain age to save their mental prowess, but did you know that a tea can improve their psychological alertness? Yes, I’m talking aboutyellow tea .
This distinctive property is due to the abundant antioxidants present in this tea . So what are you waiting for? Drink your cup today.

Benefits of Yellow Tea to Promote Longevity: Drinking a cup of yellow tea every day ensures the elimination of harmful free radicals in the body due to the high content of antioxidants. These antioxidants prevent cellular and tissue damage in the body, making it healthy and promoting longevity.

Benefits of Yellow Tea For Strong Bones and Teeth: Want to have healthier and stronger bones, then drinkyellow tea . Drinking yellow tea regularly has been found to be very effective in strengthening your bones. It also reduces pain in bones as well as joints. It also strengthens your teeth and improves your oral health.

Benefits of Yellow Tea to Reduce the Risks of Stroke: Old age brings many risks associated with major organs including the heart and brain. You can avoid being a victim of strokes with the help ofyellow tea . This type of tea provides a thin blood, increasing the blood circulation throughout our body. This helps in preventing strokes. Yellow tea also helps in increasing the flexibility of arteries and veins.

Benefits of Yellow Tea for Pregnancy: Drinking a cup ofyellow tea during pregnancy will not cause any harm. Just make sure your intake doesn’t go over the 200 mg daily mark. Excess caffeine decreases the absorption of folic acid in the body, which is very essential until 12 weeks of pregnancy.

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