The 13 SUPER tips to end the belly

SUPER tips To STOP Belly, today many people are overweight, and most of them want to lose weight globally. However, some just want to get rid of their belly, and if that’s your case, know that you’ll have a little more work than people who want to slim down their entire body. It may sound strange, but it’s true, and you’ll understand why.

In this article you will find a lot of important information that will show you what to do to lose belly fat fast. The focus here is to give you tips on how to get rid of your belly in a healthy way, without crazy and unnecessary sacrifices. Then check out the 13 Tips to End the Belly.1. Chew your food well:  Chewing is essential to facilitate digestion and help in the process of defining and losing belly. When we don’t chew well, the stomach becomes overweight, which distends the abdominal region. one of the great tips to get rid of the belly .

2. Eat Slowly:  Get into the habit of chewing slowly, without haste. Eating slowly will give you enough time to figure out when to stop. And it will also provide better digestion, in addition to making you enjoy food better.

3. Drink White Tea Every Day:  A tip to get rid of the belly,  is that a study carried out recently in Germany found that the daily consumption of the drink helps in the fight against obesity and reduces abdominal fat. Have a cup of tea 30 minutes after lunch and dinner. Do not sweeten with sugar.

4. Avoid Heavy and Digestive Foods:  There are foods that are easier to digest, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grain products. These foods pass more quickly through the intestine, thus avoiding the appearance of a swollen belly.

5. Avoid eating sweets: Eat very sweet and fatty foods and pre-prepared foods such as frozen foods. The main tip to get rid of the belly  is that your diet should be based on natural foods such as fruits , vegetables and lean proteins such as white meats or tofu.

6. Insert Good Fats into the Diet:  Good fats are necessary for the health of the brain , cells, heart , nerves. In short, so that our body can function in the best possible way. They also help eliminate the dreaded love handles. Add olive oil , avocado , açaí and oilseeds in the diet.

7. Bet on Juices:  Natural juices are great options to replace soda. However, even though they are healthy, they should not be consumed in excess.

8. Don’t run! Walk:  Many people imagine that when they are running and sweating a lot they are burning fat, but they don’t know that they are only eliminating liquids. The best thing to do is to take accelerated walks, as they increase the heart rate, thus increasing the burning of abdominal fat.

9. Gluten:  The third problem that affects people who want to lose their belly is the excess of gluten in the diet and the cause of this problem is the exaggerated consumption of foods rich in wheat , oats , barley and rye. These foods are rich in this protein that is not only harmful to those who have celiac disease. Gluten causes your body to produce a fat-accumulating hormone in the abdominal region, in addition, it forms a kind of glue in your intestines making digestion slower.

The way to correct this is by replacing these carbohydrates with others that are gluten-free, such as rice noodles, cassava and corn breads, tapioca, soy cookies, whole-grain breads, etc. Food is the main cause of all the problems that prevent us from getting rid of belly fat .

10. What to Eat to Lose Weight: The correct thing is to eat fresh, whole fruits or even yogurt. Attention: eating fruit at the end of the day generates weight gain, as the sugar in the fruit is not quickly digested by the body, turning into fat. So, pay attention to this detail in your mind. Don’t forget, it’s always good to seek the help of a nutritionist, the professional who knows the ideal diet for you and your goals. Along with a good diet, try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

11. Bet on a Colorful Plate:  The more colorful a meal, the healthier it tends to be. Carrots , lettuce, spinach, pepper and tomato, for example, have striking colors and are great choices!

12. Bloating:  The second problem for those who don’t know how to lose their belly is when there is bloating. This swelling can occur only in the belly or the entire body and it depends on the cause. If the swelling is due to fluid retention, the swelling happens throughout the body, and to combat the problem you need to reduce the consumption of foods rich in sodium such as table salt, industrialized seasonings, foods with a lot of preservatives and those snacks that sell in markets.

If the swelling is only in the abdomen, to reduce the belly you need to treat your intestines. You probably suffer from constipation and that’s why your belly is always bloated. So avoid consuming very dry foods and eat a lot of fiber, besides, of course, drinking more than 2 liters of water a day.

13. Green Tea:  Drink 2 liters of green tea daily, which helps to eliminate toxins. Another tip to boost metabolism is to add 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to tea water to help speed up metabolism and burn fat.


  • 1 teaspoon of dandelion .
  • 1 teaspoon leather hat
  • 1 teaspoon of sarsaparilla.

Preparation mode :

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of each herb and add it to 150 ml of boiling water and let it stand.
  • Strain and drink afterwards.
  • Drink 1 cup of this tea 3 times a day.

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