Top 10 Symptoms of Vaginal Candidiasis
The Top 10 Symptoms of Vaginal Candidiasis are quite common, however they can reveal a lot about your health. In addition, Vaginal Candidiasis , also called vaginal moniliasis, is a gynecological infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans. This ringworm is so common that 3 out of 4 women will have at least one episode of vaginal candidiasis in their lifetime.
Vaginal candidiasis is a common vaginal infection caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Candidiasis can occur when the immune system is weakened1 or when the beneficial bacteria in the vagina cannot keep the fungus (Candida albicans) in check. These conditions can create a suitable environment for the proliferation of Candida usually Candida albicans. Vaginal candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease. It can be quite unpleasant, but in most cases it is simple to treat.
Symptoms of Vaginal Candidiasis: The analysis of symptoms can be done at home alone and requires observation only. He is important to help at the time of diagnosis and also understand when to go to the doctor or not. The discharge is common for most women, which means that the change in aspects of this mucosa can go unnoticed for a long time and only appear uncomfortable when the disease is in more advanced stages, characterized by wounds and discomfort. So check out now The Top 10 Symptoms of Vaginal Candidiasis:
- Thick, whitish and slimy discharge;
- Itch;
- burning and irritation
- Pain during intercourse
- Pain when urinating
- Cracked skin near the sexual area and in the groin
- burning sensation
- Reddish color typical of inflammation
- Excoriations in the vulvar area and labia
- Candidiasis can also appear in other places on the body such as the mouth (oral thrush), lips, skin folds
Vaginal discharge is the main symptom, after all, many of the cases in which this situation is present. Studies show that between 20% to 25% of reports of discharge are the result of infection caused by Vaginal Candidiasis . The symptoms of male candidiasis are very similar to Vaginal candidiasis , but with some differences such as the size of the abrasions. The annoyance due to illness is not easy to deal with, candidiasis can affect a person’s personal life and sexual performance (since it is not possible to perform sexual activity until candidiasis is treated). That’s why looking for the exam and natural treatment is the first step after discovering the diagnosis.
Causes of Vaginal Candidiasis: One of the factors that increases the chances of this disease is humidity and hot environments, for example. In addition, some factors that can contribute to its development include:
- Prolonged use of drugs such as antibiotics, corticosteroids or chemotherapy;
- Chronic diarrhea, constipation or stress;
- Use of synthetic or absorbent fabric panties for more than 3 hours;
- Using other people’s bath towels;
- Having unprotected intimate contact.
Vaginal candidiasis is more common when the immune system is weak, such as in cases of AIDS, cancer, or decompensated diabetes, or when hormonal changes occur, such as pregnancy or during menstruation.
Prevention of Vaginal Candidiasis: Most cases of candidiasis, including vaginal candidiasis, can be prevented by keeping the skin clean and dry, using antibiotics only with medical advice, and following a healthy lifestyle, including proper diet. People with diabetes should try to keep their blood sugar under control. If you have HIV or another illness that favors recurrent episodes of candidiasis, continued use of antifungal drugs can help minimize flare-ups.
Doing intimate hygiene regularly, preferring clothes with cotton fabrics and avoiding tight-fitting pieces, in addition to avoiding the continuous use of tampons, also help to avoid vaginal candidiasis. Using condoms with all sex also prevents you from getting infected.
Treatments and Care for Vaginal Candidiasis: For the treatment of the disease, simple measures are recommended:
- Inappropriate clothing should be avoided.
- Do not practice vaginal douches.
- Do not use intimate deodorants.
- Sexual abstinence during treatment.
- Use condom.
Along with these indications, the use of oral antimycotics is recommended, in addition to the use of topical vaginal cream. All treatment must be indicated by a specialist, as each disease has its proper indication.