Top 5 Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence

The Main Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence that we should not ignore. Also, the urethra is the channel that takes urine from the bladder out of the body. When the control over the urine that leaves the urethra is compromised, it is characterized as urinary incontinence. In this case, the storage and emptying of urine from the bladder do not work in a coordinated way, due to the malfunction of the nerves and muscles of the bladder or urethra.

The problem can involve more occasional leakage of urine, or it can reach the level of complete inability to hold urine. In cases of reversible urinary incontinence we can cite as causes the urinary infection, psychological or hormonal disorders, inflammation of the bladder, use of some types of medication.

Urinary incontinence affects 10 million Brazilians of all ages, being twice as common in females, says the Brazilian Society of Urology. It is a problem that affects all age groups, but affects more the elderly population.

It has a huge impact on people’s quality of life. Social embarrassment, bad smell, etc. The big problem is the impact it causes. They become depressed people, who lose their social and family relationships.

The problem can involve more occasional leakage of urine , or it can reach the level of complete inability to hold urine . In cases of reversible urinary incontinence, we can cite urinary infection psychological or hormonal disorders, bladder inflammation , use of some types of medication as causes.

Persistent urinary incontinence can involve several phenomena, such as straining (when activities such as sleeping, laughing, sneezing or exercising increase pressure within the abdomen, culminating in the loss of small amounts of urine ) and overflow (when the bladder cannot empty completely, producing a drip). So, check out The Main Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence.

Stress Urinary Incontinence:  The initial symptom is the loss of urine  when the person coughs, laughs, exercises, moves;

Urge Urinary Incontinence:  More serious than stress incontinence, it is characterized by the sudden urge to urinate that occurs in the midst of daily activities and the person loses urine before reaching the bathroom.

Mixed Incontinence:  It associates the two types of incontinence mentioned above and the most important symptom is the inability to control the loss of urine through the urethra.

Important data for the diagnosis are the collection of patients’ history and the creation of a voiding diary where they must record the characteristics and frequency of urinary loss . Another resource to confirm the diagnosis is the urodynamic exam, which is less invasive and records the occurrence of bladder contractions and urinary leakage on exertion.

Treatment of stress urinary incontinence is primarily surgical, but exercises help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

Currently, Sling surgery, in which a support is placed to restore and reinforce the ligaments that support the urethra and promote its closure during exertion, is the most used technique and the one that produces the best results.

For urge urinary incontinence , the treatment is pharmacological and physical therapy. The pharmacological presupposes the uninterrupted use of several drugs that contain anticholinergic substances to prevent bladder contraction. These medications cause side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, and facial flushing.

Bladder training , to delay urination after you have the urge to go. You can start by trying to hold off for 10 minutes each time you feel the urge to urinate . The goal is to increase the time between trips to the bathroom until you are only urinating every 24 hours.

Double urination, to help you learn to empty your bladder more completely to prevent overflow incontinence. Double urination means urinating , waiting a few minutes and trying again. Scheduled bathroom trips every two to four hours instead of waiting for the need to go.

Fluid control diet to regain control of your bladder . You may need to cut out or avoid alcohol, caffeine or acidic foods. Reducing your fluid intake, increasing your fiber intake, losing weight, or increasing physical activity can also alleviate the problem.

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