Top 10 Symptoms of Acute Liver Failure
The Main Symptoms of Acute Liver Failure that many are unaware of. In addition, Acute Liver Failure is a rare disease with high mortality and resource cost. In the developing world, viral causes predominate, with hepatitis E infection recognized as a common cause in many countries. In Brazil, the incidence of virus-induced diseases has declined substantially in recent years, with most cases resulting from drug-induced liver injury, often from paracetamol. However, a large proportion of cases are of unknown origin.
Acute Liver Failure can be associated with rapidly progressive multiorgan failure and devastating complications; However, results were improved by the use of emergency liver transplantation. An evidence base for practice is emerging for supportive care and a better understanding of disease pathophysiology, especially in relation to hepatic encephalopathy,
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Causes of Acute Liver Failure: Acute Liver Failure , also known as fulminant liver failure, can occur even if you do not have preexisting liver disease. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) overdose is the most common cause of Acute Liver Failure in Brazil.
Acetaminophen is an over-the-counter medication, so you should stick to the recommended dose noted on the label. See your doctor right away if you think you may have an overdose. Acute Liver Failure can also be caused by:
- Certain prescription drugs
- Some herbal supplements
- Viral infections such as hepatitis , including hepatitis A , B, and C
- toxins
- Certain autoimmune diseases
It is possible to develop Acute Liver Failure without being able to identify the exact cause. Acute Liver Failure can also be genetic. You can get an abnormal gene from one or your parents. If you suffer from a genetic liver disease, you are more susceptible to Acute Liver Failure . Chronic liver failure is usually the result of cirrhosis or alcohol-related liver disease. Alcoholism is considered the most common cause of cirrhosis in Brazil .
Normally, your liver breaks down the alcohol you consume, but if you drink too much, your liver is unable to keep up. The toxic chemicals present in alcohol can trigger inflammation in the liver, which can cause the liver to swell. This damage can lead to cirrhosis over time.
If you have hepatitis C , you are at a higher risk of developing chronic liver failure or cirrhosis. The hepatitis C virus is spread through the blood. If the blood of an infected person enters your body, you can catch it. Sharing needles and using dirty needles during tattoos or piercings are ways that hepatitis C can spread. So, check out the Top 10 Symptoms of Acute Liver Failure now:
Symptoms of Acute Liver Failure: The main symptoms of Acute Liver Failure can include:
- Nausea
- a loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Diarrhea
- Jaundice
- Weight loss
- Bruising or bleeding easily
- Itch
- Edema or accumulation of fluid in the legs
- Ascites or accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
These symptoms can also be attributed to other problems or disorders, making the diagnosis of Acute Liver Failure difficult . Some people have no signs until their Acute Liver Failure has progressed to a deadly stage. You may be disoriented, sleepy, or even fall into a coma by the time you reach this stage.
If you suffer from alcohol-related liver disease, you may develop jaundice, or a yellowish color to your skin and eyes. Toxins can build up in your brain and cause insomnia, poor concentration, and even decreased mental function. You may also experience an enlarged spleen, stomach bleeding, and kidney failure. Liver cancer can also develop.
Treatments for Acute Liver Failure: The treatment for Acute Liver Failure consists of the following procedures:
- Referral to the hospital emergency room as soon as symptoms such as general malaise, nausea , vomiting and yellow skin are detected;
- Identification of causes: if they have treatment, start as soon as possible;
- Intensive care admission: for intensive monitoring to avoid complications.
As it is an urgent case, especially if it is a fulminant hepatitis , the hospital that receives the patient in the emergency room should contact a transplant unit, for a possible liver transplant, if there are no contraindications.
Prevention of Acute Liver Failure: One of the easiest ways to prevent Acute Liver Failure is to moderate your level of consumption. The Mayo Clinic recommends that healthy women limit their alcohol consumption to one drink a day. Men over the age of 65 should also limit their alcohol consumption to one drink a day. Men under the age of 65 should not consume more than two drinks a day. Other preventive measures include:
- practicing safe sex
- Not involving drug use or needle sharing
- Hepatitis Vaccination
- Protecting your skin from toxic chemicals
- Using aerosol cans in ventilated areas
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You should consult your doctor if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned. You may not have Acute Liver Failure , but if you do, early detection is important. Liver failure can be a silent killer because you may not experience symptoms until it’s too late. With proper treatment, you can control liver disease and lead a normal life.