Scheuermann’s Disease – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Scheuermann’s Disease – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments we should know. In addition,  Scheuermann ‘s disease  is a pathological condition of the spine of the body. This disease usually affects the thoracolumbar spine, resulting in poor posture, greater severity of kyphosis, and significant back pain.

Scheuermann’s disease occurs  when the front portion of the upper part of the spine does not develop as far as the back of the spine giving the vertebra a wedge shape. Due to this wedge shape of the vertebra, the normal kyphoric angle increases thus making the affected individual severely kyphotic.

Main Causes of Scheuermann’s Disease:  The exact cause of Scheuermann’s disease  is not yet known but it is believed to be due to a growth abnormality in the vertebral body where the growth plate fails to grow anteriorly but continues to grow later. .

This is basically due to a medical condition called osteochondrosis. Scheuermann ‘s disease  is a medical condition that usually occurs in an individual’s growing years. Scheuermann ‘s disease is more common in men than in women.

Main Symptoms of Scheuermann’s Disease:  Symptoms usually develop between the ages of 10 and 15 years, a time of considerable growth in the spine. These symptoms are typical:

  • Muscle fatigue and stiffness, especially after a day of classroom sitting
  • Redness of the skin where the curvature is most pronounced and rubs against the back of a chair
  • Pain made worse by activities that involve twisting, bending, or arching backwards, such as when participating in gymnastics, figure skating, dancing, or other sports that require these movements
  • Muscle spasms or muscle cramps
  • Difficulty exercising
  • Back pain or back pain, which may come and go
  • limited flexibility
  • tight hamstrings
  • Feeling out of balance

Severe damage is rare, but it is possible for Scheuermann’s disease to develop in such a way that the spinal cord or internal organs are damaged. For example, if the lungs become compressed by severe forward posture, it can lead to breathing problems.

Diagnosing Scheuermann’s Disease: Scheuermann  ‘s disease  can be suspected if an individual has a kyphotic angle of more than 40 degrees. This kyphotic deformation is usually progressive. This can best be seen when the individual is in a flexible forward position. The spine will have a restricted range of motion. Palpation of the apex of the kyphosis will reveal areas of tenderness.

In some cases, the neurological examination will reveal certain positive neurological signs, although this is very rare. A confirmatory diagnosis of Scheuermann  ‘s disease is made using a vertical stationary, AP, and lateral radiograph. This will reveal wedge-shaped vertebral bodies, increased kyphotic angle, narrow intervertebral spaces, and the presence of Schmorl’s nodes.

Treatments for Scheuermann’s Disease:  The treatment of Scheuermann ‘s disease  is a matter of debate where some researchers believe that treatment is not necessary as it is a benign condition, while some are of the opinion that treatment should be given to patients individuals who are musculoskeletal immune Prevent further deformities and relieve pain symptoms.

The treatment that can be given for Scheuermann ‘s disease  is to avoid strenuous activity as a mode of pain relief. Physical therapy for strengthening exercises can also be a beneficial treatment for Scheuermann’s disease . Careful monitoring with regular x-ray and follow-up is essential to managing Scheuermann’s disease . NSAIDs for pain relief may be given.

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In severe forms of Scheuermann’s disease , lumbar blades may be required. The surgical treatment option for Scheuermann  ‘s disease is considered only in cases of positive neurological examinations or the deformity is significant enough to cause severe discomfort to the affected individual.

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