Sardine Diet: Does it work? how to do it, benefits and menu

The sardine diet is easy because sardines are delicious in any form : roasted, fried, in salad, pâté, pickled or in sauce.

There are numerous recipes to prepare them. The best ones are fresh, but if for time reasons you only have access to canned sardines, don’t worry! These are also a way to nourish you at your fingertips and in your pocket.

So-called “fatty” fish like sardines, tuna and salmon allow you to feel good all day long.

They are a great source of vitamins; Containing 18% protein, 74% water, vitamins A, D, B2, B3 and different minerals such as Sodium , Phosphorus , Calcium , Magnesium and Iron .

In fact, sardines are one of the most recommended foods to fight anemia , they contribute to the proper functioning of the heart and help regulate blood pressure.

What is Sardine Diet?

The Sardine Diet is based on the consumption of this delicious fish; the sardine is a blue fish, energetic and highly recommended for its excellent nutritional properties; fresh or canned, it is economical, high in protein, free of saturated fats, and is an excellent source of omega-3 , so it helps to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels; Best of all, by consuming them, you are ingesting a significant amount of vitamins and minerals naturally.

Why is the Sardine Diet Important?

Much of  the Sardine Diet  focuses on the notion that a diet rich in sardines can prevent a wide range of diseases such as heart disease,  breast  and colon cancer,  osteoporosisAlzheimer’s ,  and even mental disorders.

The rationale behind these claims is that sardines are rich in  omega-3 fatty acids .

A great deal of research has shown that  omega-3 fatty acids  are very helpful in maintaining health and can even treat disease.

Indeed, the notion that foods rich in  omega-3s  have beneficial health properties.

Does Sardine Diet Help You Lose Weight?

When we eat sardines, rich in omega-3 , we fight this inflammation and, consequently, feel less hungry during the day.

This same fatty acid is responsible for activating cellular proteins capable of preventing ingested sugar from turning into fat.

In addition, this fish is rich in proteins, substances that are slowly digested by the body, which causes the feeling of satiety for a longer period of time.

To maintain the line, simply remove the oil from the sardine can.

To make them even less oily, don’t hesitate to sprinkle them with lemon or lime juice.

As a reference, it should be noted that 100 grams of fresh sardines provide 118 kilocalories, while canned sardines total 222 kilocalories, along with the oil; which is the basis of a low energy density meal.

How Does the Sardine Diet Work?

When I talk about the Sardine Diet , that doesn’t mean you have to eat it every day, let alone every meal.

I speak of a nutritional plan that consists of a varied amount of healthy foods, including fiber-rich vegetables, grains, and legumes.

Benefits of the Sardine Diet

1. Contains Antioxidant Property:

The Sardine Diet contains Selenium , which is useful for neutralizing free radicals and protecting organs from damage.

2. Strengthens Bones:

Sardines are an excellent source of bone-building calcium and contain surprisingly high concentrations of Vitamin D , a nutrient not so readily available in the diet.

3. Protects the Brain:

Sardines are also a reservoir of Phosphorus , tryptophan and Vitamin B12 , which ensure the state of brain well-being.

4. Benefit Skin:

The essential fats found in sardines play an essential role at the cellular level in skin cells.

5. Improves the Immune System:

The consumption of Sardines during the Sardine Diet helps to effectively improve the immune system.

6. Promotes Weight Loss:

This may even seem strange since sardines are a more caloric fish than others, right? But actually, it helps you lose weight by providing a good amount of nutrients that will increase satiety and reduce hunger.

Other Benefits of the Sardine Diet

  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Reduces high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Rich in omega-3  unsaturated fatty acids.
  • It increases blood fluidity, which prevents the risk of suffering thrombosis and atherosclerosis .

Sardine Diet Recipes

1# Sardines in Pickle Sauce:


  • 6 large, clean sardines;
  • 1 scoop of whole wheat flour;
  • bay leaves ;
  • 1 pinch of black pepper;
  • pinch of salt;
  • 2 or 3 cloves of garlic , medium or large;
  • Canola or olive oil, preferably extra virgin;
  • 150 ml of vinegar;
  • 150 ml of water.


  • Prepare the ingredients separately before starting.
  • We start by cleaning the sardines and removing the head and guts
  • Once cleaned and dried, they are passed through flour and a little salt is placed inside.
  • Then fry them well in oil.
  • After being fried, they are reserved in a deep source.
  • In the same oil, the bay leaves, garlic  and pepper are fried.
  • When it’s fried, let it cool and add the vinegar.
  • If you like sweet or spicy paprika, you can add a teaspoon to the oil and vinegar mixture when it is cooling.
  • Once cooked, place the plate with the sardines and let it cool.
  • And ready to taste this delicacy!

2# Grilled Sardines:


  • 6 medium and clean sardines;
  • 2 or 3 garlic cloves ;
  • 1 handful of  fresh parsley ;
  • 1 or 2  ripe tomatoes ;
  • pinch of salt;
  • Olive oil, preferably extra virgin;
  • Ground black pepper to taste.


  • In addition, we have gathered all the ingredients to prepare the grilled sardines.
  • Chop the garlic  and parsley and macerate in a bowl with oil.
  • Also, in a non-stick skillet over low or medium heat, place the sardines to cook them on the grill with a little salt.
  • They have to brown on both sides.
  • Also, the time depends on the size of the sardines.
  • Meanwhile, cut the tomato  into cubes (brunoise) and season with a pinch of salt, black pepper and olive oil.
  • Serve the grilled sardines with the macerated oil, Garlic  and parsley and chopped tomato  as a garnish.
  • Also, especially for healthy diets.

3# Sardines in Sauce


  • 300 g of sardine fillets;
  • 1 natural yogurt;
  • Also, 2 lemons;
  • Onions ;
  • 2 tablespoons mustard ;
  • In addition, 4 tablespoons of chopped parsley  ;
  • 4 laurel mixture;
  • Also, salt and pepper.


  • Place the chopped onions in a non-stick skillet and add the lemon juice at the end of cooking.
  • Also then add the sardine fillets and cook.
  • In a bowl, mix yogurt, mustard , chopped parsley and 4 berries.
  • Also, salt and pepper.
  • Crush the sardine fillets and add them to the bowl.
  • Also, keep in the fridge and serve.

4# Sardines in the Pressure Cooker


  • 425 grams of sardines;
  • 2 large tomatoes , sliced;
  • onion  , chopped into rings;
  • Also, 1 pepper any color chopped (thin strips);
  • 2 or 3 large garlic cloves , crushed and finely chopped;
  • 10 whole green olives;
  • 1/4 cup of Peas ;
  • In addition, olive oil, preferably extra virgin;
  • Oregano to taste;
  • Optional pepper;
  • Also, pinch of salt.


  • Also, in the pan over low heat pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil and make a sauce with the Tomatoes , Onions , Pepper and Garlic .
  • Add pepper and a pinch of salt.
  • Also, save apart.
  • Put the cleaned sardines in the pressure cooker and then crush them, add the sauce, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, the peas, the olives, a pinch of salt.
  • Also, mix it all up.
  • Cover and press for 2 hours on low heat.
  • Also, after that time: turn off the heat and wait for the pressure to drop, uncover carefully and serve with rice, preferably whole.

Harms of the Sardine Diet 

But there are side effects to the Sardine Diet as well. “Be careful! Canned products contain a substance called bisphenol A, which is considered a toxin, that is, harmful to health and can even promote hormonal changes.

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