Recipe to eliminate calluses from feet in 15 minutes!

The recipe to eliminate calluses from the feet is very simple and easy to prepare because this condition is very common in most people and usually occurs due to the use of inappropriate footwear, which constantly rubs against the heels, toes, sole of the foot and on the place where bunions usually appear.

In fact, calluses form to protect the skin  from injuries , which is why they appear in areas subjected to friction . If not eliminated, they can cause pain and even bleeding with the risk of infections . In diabetics, extreme and correct foot care is absolutely necessary, as a wound caused by a callus can generate  very dangerous infections .

The corns or calluses, is nothing more than an area that becomes thick, rigid and thick, due to constant friction, such as a closed shoe. In addition, this repeated friction forms the callus on the skin . In addition to the feet, they can appear in other places on the body , such as: hands, fingers, and elbows.

To permanently eliminate corns, you need to know what causes them, so you will be able to eliminate the source of this friction and naturally the corn will no longer appear.

Homemade recipe to remove calluses from feet in 15 minutes:


  1. Also, soak the callus in warm water – this softens the callus, making it easier to remove.
  2. To do this, fill a basin with  warm water and soak the area with the callus for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Also, rub the callus with the pumice stone – after the 10 or 15 minutes have passed.
  4. rub the callus with a pumice stone or sandpaper to remove the thick layer of skin  that has formed
  5. Also, apply a moisturizer – now apply a moisturizer to the callus area to keep the skin  smooth.
  6. Put a band-aid on the corn – put a band-aid on calluses.
  7. Also, that you can buy in pharmacies, or a fixed gauze with an adhesive to protect the callus area.
  8. Wear comfortable socks and shoes.

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