Honey Vinegar Recipe to Eliminate Abdominal Fat!

Honey vinegar recipe to eliminate belly fat in a simple and natural way because with this simple recipe you will immediately define your waistline, as  apple cider vinegar and honey are often combined in folk medicine.

In addition, the mixture is usually diluted in warm water and drunk before bed or when going upstairs. It is claimed to aid weight loss and improve seasonal allergies and blood pressure . Still, most research focuses on the effects of each ingredient separately.

Benefits of Honey Vinegar:

By speeding up your  metabolism , it will improve your blood circulation, protecting your brain from forgetting. This juice is indicated for the prevention and elimination of  varicose veins , as well as the decrease of platelets in the blood, due to the properties of  cinnamon . Therefore, consume it whenever you can, as in addition to providing the body with the above benefits, it is a strong weight suppressant.

Additionally,  apple cider vinegar , on the other hand, helps improve circulation and normalize levels and pressure, as well as fight stomach acid issues like  heartburn  and reflux. In addition, it is powerful to fight  migraines , meanwhile, lemon is an excellent   fat-eliminating  antioxidant that protects the body against diseases .

With these three powerful metabolism accelerators, today you can quickly and easily eliminate fat located in the belly, back or legs, removing and expelling all toxins from the blood, providing a better quality of life.

Honey vinegar recipe to eliminate belly fat:


– Water: 150 ml;
– Cinnamon powder: 1 teaspoon;
– Lemon : 1 unit;
– Apple cider vinegar : 2 teaspoons;
– Honey: 1 tsp.

Preparation method:

  1. It is important to warn that hypertensive people should not use cinnamon in this recipe.
  2. With the help of a blender, mix all the ingredients very well.
  3. When you get a completely homogeneous mixture, your drink is ready.
Useful links: 

How to drink:

  • Drink the preparation to get all its benefits.
  • It is important to take it before one of the main meals of the day (lunch or dinner) for a week and then rest for 7 days.
  • After 7 days, you can drink it again in the same way as explained above.

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