The 10 Natural Remedies for Malaria

The 10 Natural Remedies for Malaria are easily accessible and very efficient in treatment. Malaria is a deadly, widespread disease that threatens people all over the world, but there are a number of effective Natural Malaria Remedies , including Grapefruit , Citrus Fruit, Holy Basil , Orange Juice , Cinnamon , Hot Water Enema, Ginger , between others.Affecting more than 200 million people worldwide each year, malaria is a terrible infectious disease transmitted by a mosquito that kills an average of 500,000 people each year. Most cases occur around the equator in tropical and subtropical regions, and it is an especially dangerous disease in Africa. In fact, visitors from many South American, African, Asian Caribbean countries are strongly encouraged or even required to take anti-malaria medication before coming to the country to prevent infection. The disease is transferred through the mosquito’s saliva when it bites, after the mosquito is infected by various types of parasitic microorganisms. These parasites migrate to the liver and begin to reproduce, which is when symptoms start – about 10-15 days after the initial bite.

Symptoms include vomiting, fatigue, weakness, fever , headaches , jaundice and seizures, most severely when the infection comes from Plasmodium falciparum. This can often result in respiratory distress (25-40% of cases), encephalopathy, low blood sugar, shock, spontaneous bleeding, and even death. The four remaining species of Plasmodium are capable of infecting humans causing mild disease symptoms. There is a very well established treatment regimen for malaria as it affects many people in such concentrated areas of the world. But the overuse of anti-malarial drugs has also become a problem in terms of drug resistance. For this reason and many others, people have used variousNatural Remedies for Malaria . Many of these home treatments don’t have the side effects of powerful antimalarial drugs, which makes them that much more appealing. So, check out now The 10 Natural Remedies for Malaria:

Ginger: A common and popular treatment for malaria is the use of ginger . Fortunately, ginger is easily accessible, especially in many tropical areas, and can be boiled down to a powerful decoction that will boost your Immune System and help speed up the recovery process from infection. Ginger  and its active ingredients – gingerol and hydrocarbons – are known for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities in the body, making this one of the most effective Natural Remedies for Malaria .

Grapefruit: There is a powerful substance found in grapefruit  that makes it among  Natural Remedies for Malaria , similar to quinine, which has been directly linked to neutralizing these malaria-inducing parasites. You can extract this substance for a concentrated dose or simply add some delicious Grapefruit to your daily diet. Grapefruits arewidely available in tropical areas and can work wonders for promoting general health and speedy recovery.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is one of the best Natural Remedies for Malaria  as it is great for fighting its symptoms namely Fever , Headaches and Diarrhea . Cinnamon is a comprehensive remedy as it can help to improve multiple symptoms of the disease at the same time. Cinnamon hasa powerful organic component, cinnamaldehyde, which has anti-inflammatory properties and has been linked to a reduction in the often violent and painful symptoms of malaria.

Citrus Fruits: While this is a somewhat vague suggestion, citrus fruits in general are often recommended as  Natural Remedies for Malaria . Limes and Lemons are easy to get a hold of in many malaria hotspots, so the blend of antioxidant compounds, vitamins, and minerals can help eliminate fever , prevent the spread of infection, and speed up the healing process.

Nut Fever: Nut Fever is a popular herbal remedy in India and surrounding countries as the seeds of this nut contain powerful active ingredients that can help to break your Fever and boost your Immune System . When the fever takes a break, it is essentially the first step towards recovery. Nut fever (as the name implies) is among the  Natural Remedies for Malaria for helping people survive malaria for hundreds of years.

Basil: To reduce the symptoms and severity of malaria, people have used basil for many years as one of the  Natural Remedies For Malaria . Eugenol is the active ingredient present in basil that is largely responsible for its therapeutic properties, helping to eliminate bacterial infections. Different parts of the plant are used for dozens of different Ayurvedic remedies, making it extremely important in Asian countries that deal with many cases of malaria.

Orange Juice: Vitamin C is known as an amazing immune system booster . This proved to be a real booster among  Natural Remedies for Malaria . Since it can be difficult to keep food down while suffering from malaria, many people choose to go on a water and orange juice diet in order to keep the body hydrated and promote an Immune System focused on the infection. After a few days, other foods can be added to the juice. But the antioxidant and effects of Vitamin C on the Immune System are often enough to jumpstart the recovery process.

Hot Water Enema: Malaria can also infect the Intestines , which is why Diarrhea is such a common symptom, so it is important to keep the intestines clean and not provide a new place for the parasite to thrive. A warm water enema can keep the bowel clean and healthy, while also cutting back on inflammation and discomfort during many trips to the bathroom.

Mosquito Prevention: The best way to treat malaria is to never catch it in the first place. But to avoid mosquitoes in the tropical world is difficult, to say the least. Powerful bug spray (specifically the one good for mosquitoes) is essential if you’re out for a walk in the wilderness of these risky areas. Also, you should add a mosquito net to your bed and windows, so you can sleep soundly, knowing that you won’t wake up in two weeks with the symptoms of malaria. You should also ensure that there are no large pools of standing water near your house, as these are the perfect spots for mosquitoes to lay their eggs!

Natural Diet: Once you have your Immune System kicking in again, you should switch to a purely natural fruit diet for some time. This constant burst of natural fiber and vitamins, as well as the antibacterial and antibiotic properties of fruit, will help push you to get rid of this disease once and for all and get back to living normally. Finally, the addition of fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts is the final phase of a natural malaria diet.

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