5 Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

Some of the  Natural Remedies for Hair Loss  include increasing circulation to the scalp, maintaining the levels of minerals and vitamins in your body, with the use of Aloe Vera , Amla , Onion  and  Eggs . In terms of behavior, you should also avoid crash diets, prevent depression and reduce anxiety. According to dermatologists, humans lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair a day and there is nothing wrong with that. But, when Hair Loss goes beyond this amount, you start to notice bald spots or hair wear . This condition is called alopecia. Most people begin to experience theHair loss in your thirties and this is brought on by hormonal changes, poor diet and stress . In this article, we are going to tell you 5 tried and tested Natural Remedies for Hair Loss. So, now check out the  5 Natural Remedies for Hair Loss: 

Aloe Vera (Aloe):  If there’s one all-purpose herb that can treat just about anything, it’s Aloe Vera . This magical plant is known for its alkalizing properties which can help bring the pH level of the hair and scalp to a level that is desirable, a fact that greatly promotes hair growth .
Using the herb regularly also prevents itchy scalp, reduces inflammation and redness, and also relieves dandruff . It is possible to use both the gel and the juice of the plant.

  • Apply Aloe vera juice or gel on your scalp;
  • Let it stay there for a few hours and then wash it off with warm water;
  • Repeat 3-4 times a week.

Amla :  Also known as the Indian gooseberry, Amla is packed with antioxidants and is also rich in Vitamin C , which is excellent for people looking for natural remedies for hair loss . In addition to applying it to the scalp, you also need to consume it regularly as Vitamin C is great for your body.


  • Grind the Amla fruit in order to extract the juice from it. You can also buy Amla powder at your nearest herbal store;
  • Add two tablespoons of juice extracted from Amla (or powder) to an equal amount of Lemon Juice (freshly squeezed);
  • Mix well and apply it on the scalp;
  • Let it dry;
  • Wash with warm water;
  • Using Food Items as Natural Remedies for Hair Loss .

Onion: Onion  juice has high sulfur content which helps to improve blood circulation to the hair follicles, reduce inflammation and also regenerate hair follicles. It also has antibacterial properties that allow it to kill parasites and germs, as well as treat scalp infections that could cause hair loss


  • Grill the onion , then press to extract the juice.
  • Directly apply the juice to your scalp and let it dry there for about 30 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo.

Eggs  Eggsare also packed with sulfur. They also have minerals like Iodine , Selenium , Iron , Zinc and Phosphorus , as well as proteins. For this reason, Eggs are excellent for promoting hair growthand even more so when mixed with Olive Oil .


  • Separate the white part of the Egg (white) and mix with a teaspoon of Olive Oil .
  • Whisk it to form a paste that you can then apply all over your hair and scalp.
  • Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash it off with a mild shampoo and cold water.

Using Oil Massage To Prevent Hair Loss
A simple hair massage is among the top natural remedies for hair loss . In fact, it is the first thing you can do in order to tame your hair loss . It can be very effective, especially when used with hair oil. A good scalp and hair massage causes blood to flow to hair follicles and increases hair root strength . A massage also promotes relaxation and reduces feelings of tension. Hair
Oilssuch as Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, castor oil, olive oil, amla oil, among others are great for massage. To get faster and better results, you can add some Rosemary Essential Oil to the massage base oil. You can also use Argan Oil, Emu Oil, and even Wheat Germ Oil.


  • Take one of the above mentioned oils and massage it into your scalp and hair , exerting light pressure with your finger.
  • Repeat the procedure at least once every week.

Hair loss is a common thing for people in their thirties. While there are other methods of dealing with it, such as hair transplants, these are expensive and don’t always guarantee results. Natural Hair Loss Remedies are not only cost-effective, but they also have no side effects. Plus, you’ll use what you already have in your kitchen pantry.

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