10 Natural Foods for Sore Throat

Natural Foods for Sore Throat in a simple and 100% natural way. In addition, throat infection is the most common type of illness among all age groups. As is a contagious disease caused by bacterial infection. Inflammation of the tonsils, epiglottis and uvula can occur during a sore throat . Several conditions can cause a sore throat, and you need to be aware if the symptom doesn’t go away – if in doubt, see a doctor.

Itching and difficulty eating can result due to this. Hot drinks, soups and broths are often recommended, along with medication and proper care. So, check out now The 10 Natural Foods for Sore Throat .

Ginger:  Its strong, bitter taste soothes and soothes itchy throats. In addition, ginger has antifungal properties that help in preventing microorganisms from entering the body.

Ginger also helps in decreasing cough as it helps in increasing salivation and mucus secretion. Lemon ginger tea is often given to patients suffering from sore throat because ginger has some essential oils, antioxidants and oleoresin.

Oleoresin is a blend of essential oils, which restricts and relieves coughing. Various chemicals like gingerol, shogaols and gingerol found in ginger are helpful for throat irritation.

Lemon :  Lemoncontains a lot of Vitamin C (53 mg to 100 gms) which helps in preventing and healing a person with a sore throat. In addition, lemon is an anti-inflammatory agent and also helps in the production of antibodies, which help in the fight against microorganisms in the body.

Honey:  Honey has anti-microbial properties. Consuming honey during a throat infection can be really helpful as it reduces the inflammation of the throat. Furthermore, honey along with lemon and water has been shown to be able to work wonders against a sore throat . Honey helps in inhibiting mast cell degranulation and thus reduces various allergic reactions.

Banana :  Bananais a throat-soothing food because of its soft and smooth texture. It is a good source of potassium , vitamin B6 and vitamin C.

Clove:  The essential oils present in clove teeth help in preventing fever and sore throat . Cloves have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that help keep germs away from the body. Furthermore.

Cloves help to prevent sputum from the respiratory system and they can often be chewed slowly to provide relief from sore throats  and prevent coughing.

Carrots:  Boiledor steamed carrots are an excellent food for the throat . Carrots are rich in vitamin C, potassium and vitamin A, which can help you recover from a sore throat.

Black Pepper: Black  pepper has a “warming” and calming effect on the body that can be helpful against infections, cold and sore throat . In addition, black pepper has anti-bacterial properties and is rich in vitamin C.

This helps in inhibiting harmful microbes from entering the body. Consumption of chili peppers helps relieve phlegm and can be consumed along with honey to get relief from itchy throat.

Apple Cider Vinegar : Apple  cider vinegar can be consumed in order to reduce the production of phlegm and sore throat . It should be consumed along with honey and cinnamon for best results. In addition, Apple Cider Vinegar has anti-bacterial properties that help eliminate germs and can be consumed by adding it to salads.

Tea with Honey and Lemon:  Tea with honey and lemon is one of the most popular and very easy to prepare. It takes 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in a cup of boiling water, and add a regular tea bag (like mate, chamomile tea, or green tea). Let it cool down a bit and drink it little by little, your throat will get better quickly.

Thyme Tea:  This tea will soothe a sore throat  in almost minutes. Prepare it with 1 tablespoon of thyme in a cup of boiling water. Strain, let cool and gargle.

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