Menu to lose the flabby belly after pregnancy!

The menu to lose a flabby belly after pregnancy works quickly and naturally for those moms who want it. Also, Losing a Flabby Belly After Pregnancy is a challenge for many mothers nowadays, but it is not such a difficult task. Not always the protruding belly is the result of fat accumulated in this region. Some foods are enemies of the defined abdomen because they cause a flabby belly . Bread, pasta and cookies made with white flour, in addition to fried foods, sweets and alcoholic beverages, ferment in the intestine and cause bloating and malaise. And that’s not all.

“They generate spikes in blood sugar, which triggers hunger in a short time. They also stimulate the production of insulin, which, in excess, leads to the accumulation of abdominal fat  ”, says the nutritionist. Milk and its derivatives and foods that contain gluten can also swell and cause discomfort in some people – find out if this is the case for you before cutting them off the menu.

“When the goal is to lose a flaccid belly , fiber (whole foods, quinoa, chia, flaxseed , fruits and vegetables) cannot be lacking. In addition, they decrease the absorption of fat  by the body, increase satiety and give strength to the intestine to work”. Check out now  Menu to Lose Flabby Belly After Pregnancy:

Table of Contents

Menu 1:


  • In addition, 1 glass of light soy milk mixed with 1/2 papaya and 1 tablespoon (dessert) of  crushed flaxseed ;
  • 2 whole toast;
  • In addition, 1 slice of light Minas cheese.

Morning snack:

  • 2 Brazil nuts + 1 cup of white tea


· Lettuce and tomato salad with 2 tablespoons of grated carrots, seasoned with 1/4 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. In addition, 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice  and salt + 1 tablespoon of cooked lentils + 2 tablespoons of grilled or boiled zucchini + 1 grilled chicken fillet + 1 slice of pineapple

Afternoon snack:

· 1 wholemeal toast + 1 slice of light processed cheese + 1 cup of chamomile tea


  • Salad with 3 tablespoons of sliced ​​raw cabbage;
  • In addition, 2 tablespoons of cooked green beans, 1 tomato ;
  • 1 can of natural tuna and 1/2 spoon (dessert) of sesame seasoned with 1/4 spoon (soup) of extra virgin olive oil;
  • Also, 1 tablespoon (coffee) of vinegar or lemon juice and salt.


  • 1 1/2 slice of ricotta.

Menu 2:


  • 1 pot of low-fat yogurt mixed with 1 chopped apple and 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil + 1 wholemeal toast + 1 slice of ricotta

Morning snack:

  • 1 medium walnut + 1 cup of horsetail tea


  • In addition, lettuce, arugula and radish salad, seasoned with 1/4 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon (coffee) vinegar or lemon juice  and salt;
  • In addition, + 2 tablespoons of sauteed spinach;
  • + 1 sardine in the oven;
  • Plus + 1 kiwi .

Afternoon snack:

  • 2 boiled egg whites;
  • + 1 box of light soy juice.


  • In addition, arugula and tomato salad  with 2 tablespoons of cooked or grilled zucchini, seasoned with 1/4 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon (coffee) vinegar or lemon juice and salt;
  • Plus + 1 medium grilled chicken fillet.
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