Listeriosis – What is it, Causes and Treatments!

Listeriosis – What it is, Causes and Treatments  The treatment of listeriosis varies depending on the severity of the symptoms. Also,  Listeriosis  is an infection that usually develops after eating food contaminated by the listeria bacteria . In most people, Listeriosis is mild and causes symptoms that include a high temperature ( fever ), vomiting, and diarrhea. These symptoms usually pass within three days without the need for treatment.

However, in rare cases, the infection can be more serious and spread to other parts of the body, causing serious complications such as meningitis. Common signs of severe Listeriosis include a stiff neck, severe headache, and tremors. So, trust now  Listeriosis – What is it, Causes and Treatments:

Causes:  It is caused by a type of bacteria called Listeriosis . It is mainly spread throughcontaminated food . Listeriosis is widespread throughout the environment and can be found in soil, wood, decaying vegetation and water. Most cases of Listeriosis are caused by eating food contaminated with Listeriosis .

Listeriosis is most common in unpasteurized milk and dairy products made from unpasteurized milk. It can also be found in food manufacturing environments and can contaminate food products after production. For example, contamination can occur:

  • After the food is cooked, but before it is packaged:
  • When food is handled in stores, such as on cutting machines or deliquescent counters:
  • At home:

Vegetables can become contaminated if grown in contaminated soil or fertilizers , or if washed in contaminated water. Meat and dairy products can become contaminated if they are taken from infected animals.

Infected Feces:  It is thought to be found in the digestive systems of many animals, such as sheep and cattle, and these animals can pass feces contaminated with Listeriosis .

Symptoms:  Symptoms in most healthy adults are mild. They usually develop 3-70 days after theinitial infection . Symptoms are similar to flu and gastroenteritis and include:

  • An elevated temperature ( fever ) of 38C (100.4F) or above.
  • Muscle pain or soreness.
  • shiver.
  • Feeling or is sick.
  • diarrhea .

Treatment:  Treatment varies depending on the severity of symptoms. Most people may not need treatment – ​​however, more serious infections and pregnant women should be given antibiotics to fight the bacteria . Antibiotics given during pregnancy will prevent the bacteria from coming into contact with the fetus. The same medications are given to newborn children with Listeriosis .

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