How to Treat Endometriosis Naturally

How to Naturally Treat Endometriosis.  Very strong pain in the menstrual period can indicate Endometriosis . In addition,  Endometriosis is a condition in which the endometrium, the mucosa that lines the inner wall of the uterus, grows in other regions of the body. According to the Brazilian Endometriosis Association, the disease affects about 6 million women in the country. So, check out How to Treat Endometriosis Naturally:

What is Endometriosis: Endometriosis is when the excess lining of the uterus (endometrium) that normally grows in preparation for egg implantation, does not shed completely during menstruation . It starts to attach to other places in the body around the uterus. When  menstruation starts, not only does the lining of the uterus bleed, but also Endometriosis that has grown in other parts of the body. Also, some of the symptoms are:

  • Heavy flow with cramping, clots, long or abnormal cycles
  • Pain throughout the month
  • Enlargement of ovaries
  • Pain when having a bowel movement while menstruating
  • Excessive sludge before menstruation

The risk of benign cysts in the uterus increases. Endometriosis has a great impact on fertility, causing 35 to 50% of infertility problems in women.

Treating Endometriosis:

Treatment options include:

  • Medications to control pain and minimize disease progression
  • Surgery to remove areas affected by Endometriosis
  • Radical surgery – hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries.

Treatment depends on the following factors:

  • Age
  • severity of symptoms
  • disease severity
  • If the woman wants to have children.
  • contraceptives.

Treatment  Endometriosis:  Treatment may involve stopping the menstrual cycle and creating a pregnancy-like state. This is called pseudopregnancy, and it can help keep the condition from getting worse. For this, contraceptive pills with estrogen and progesterone are used continuously, that is, without pauses to menstruate. Progestins alone can also be used, in the form of pills, injectables or even IUDs.

Side effects can include the presence of bloodstains, weight gain, breast tenderness, nausea, and other hormonal side effects.

This type of therapy relieves most of the symptoms of Endometriosis , but does not eliminate foci or adhesions caused by the disease. It also does not reverse physical changes that have already occurred.

Other Medications: In some cases, medications that stop the ovaries from producing estrogen, known as GnRH agonists, may be prescribed. Some possible side effects include menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and early loss of calcium from the bones.

Because of the loss of bone density, this type of treatment is usually limited to six months. In some cases, it can be prolonged for up to a year if small doses of hormones are prescribed to reduce the side effects of bone thinning.

Only a doctor can tell you which drug is most suitable for you, as well as the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Always follow the guidelines to the letter, do not self-medicate or interrupt the treatment without consulting the doctor. If you take the medicine more than once or in much larger amounts than prescribed, follow the instructions on the package insert.

Surgeries: Once the diagnosis of Endometriosis is confirmed , laparoscopy can be used to treat the lesions. Because it is a minimally invasive surgery, but at the same time resolving, today it is the most common choice when surgical intervention is needed for treatment. Through this technique, all foci can be removed, the endometrial cysts can be drained and then the cover that covers them can be removed.

It is also possible to perform the resection of intestinal or bladder portions when there are lesions involving these organs. In some cases, a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries may also be performed).

Useful links: 

OBS:  The most important thing is that people seek information, know the treatment options that can be used and, together with a professional they trust, start their treatment as soon as possible.

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