How to Prevent and Permanently Treat Gonorrhea in 30 Days

How to Definitely Prevent and Treat Gonorrhea in 30 Days that Anyone Can Do. In addition, when the vaginal discharge has some color, smell, thicker or different consistency than usual, it may indicate the presence of a Vaginal infection such as candidiasis or trichomoniasis or the presence of a sexually transmitted disease such as Gonorrhea . Therefore, when the vaginal discharge  is not a transparent secretion and is white, yellow, green, pink or brown, it can indicate different problems such as vaginal infections, for example, it is important to consult the gynecologist to treat the problem.

In this way, it is important to know what each color of vaginal discharge can mean, to understand when it is necessary to look for the doctor or gynecologist.

Gonorrhea What are the Symptoms:

  • The main symptoms of gonorrhea  in women are:
  • Pain or burning when urinating;
  • Yellowish-white, pus-like discharge;
  • Frequent abdominal discomfort;
  • Bleeding between menstrual period and after intimate contact.

Gonorrhea How to Prevent:

  • To prevent the onset of gonorrhea  , the most important thing is to maintain sexual abstinence or have intimate contact only with a latex condom, as this is the only way to prevent the bacteria from passing from one partner to another.
  • Although gonorrhea  can pass during any type of intimate contact, it does not infect through kissing, hugging or sharing cutlery, for example, as the bacteria is not able to survive outside the human body.

Gonorrhea How to Treat with Home Remedy:

A good home treatment for gonorrhea is pomegranate flower tea, as it is a medicinal plant that contains antiseptic and diuretic properties that help to eliminate gonorrhea bacteria  and strengthen the immune system. So, check out this recipe for How to Definitely Prevent and Treat Gonorrhea in 30 Days :


  • 2 teaspoons of dried pomegranate leaves;
  • 500 ml of boiling water.


  • Add the ingredients and let it rest for 15 minutes, strain and drink the tea once a day.
  • This home treatment for gonorrhea  is only meant to complement your medical treatment and should not replace it.
Useful links: 

NOTE: Usually, these symptoms appear 10 days after unprotected intimate contact and it is recommended to consult a gynecologist, in the case of women, or a urologist, in the case of men, to start the appropriate treatment.

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