How to Eliminate Nail Fungus with 2 Ingredients
Closed shoes and socks create the perfect environment for the fungus to appear and develop easily, because of this men are more likely to suffer from toenail fungus, but women are not ruled out. The truth is that, regardless of the reasons, fungi must be removed because they can produce odor, itching, pain and are not aesthetic.
News of the week:
Other factors that can increase the risk of developing nail fungus are:
- nail injuries;
- Have athlete’s foot;
- sweating excessively;
- Wear socks and shoes that prevent ventilation and do not absorb sweat;
- Walking barefoot in damp public places, such as swimming pools, gyms and showers;
- Have circulation problems or a weakened immune system;
- Ter diabetes;
- Working in a humid environment;
- Suffer from psoriasis .
The main symptoms of nail fungus include:
- Swelling;
- Thickening and disintegration of the nail;
- Yellowing or darkening;
- Inflammation;
- It is usually not painful unless the infection spreads.
These Ingredients that Eliminate Nail Fungus are very easy to find and not expensive. However, they have a powerful action capable of making you end up with Nail Fungi . So, check out How to Eliminate Nail Fungus with 2 Ingredients:
- 10 garlic cloves
- 1 container of warm water
Useful links:
- Crush the garlic cloves until it forms a paste.
- Place it in a container with warm water, let it rest for a few minutes and then keep the areas affected by Nail Fungus submerged for 15 minutes.
- Another good option is to mix the garlic paste with olive oil and apply directly to the nails with fungi, leaving it on for 30 minutes.