How kale consumption can prevent cancer

How consumption of kale can prevent cancer in a totally natural way.  In addition, apart from all the benefits mentioned above, the vegetable has an anthelmintic action and helps in the fight against liver and stomach problems. However, the benefits of kale don’t stop there! It is also possible to reduce the chances of developing cancer , precisely because of its high antioxidant power.

Foods rich in Vitamin A , Vitamin C and Vitamin E , such as Kale itself , are exhaustively listed in studies around the world that explain How Kale Consumption Can Prevent Cancer . Other components also found in fruits and vegetables are considered anticarcinogenic, such as fiber and selenium .

Free Radicals:  The term antioxidant means that food has properties that act against cellular oxidation, caused by free radicals, molecules that are formed at the same time the body transforms oxygen in the air into energy for the body to keep functioning. As you can see, although they may seem like villains in this story, free radicals play an important role.

However, in excessive amounts, they are responsible for pathological processes, and can destroy cell membranes such as DNA. Oxidative stress and inflammation are risk factors for growing chronic degenerative diseases in the population, such as diabetes , heart disease and cancer , in addition to premature aging, warn nutritionists.

Among the factors that can unduly increase the body’s exposure to free radicals are: poor diet, pollution, stress , toxic products, ultraviolet rays and even excessive physical exercise . So, check out  how kale consumption can prevent cancer:

How Kale Consumption Can Prevent Cancer:  By itself, the body is already able to protect itself from free radicals. The enzymes SOD, catalase and glutathione peroxidase are examples of endogenous antioxidants, that is, naturally produced by the body. Exogenous antioxidants must come from the diet.

Initially, there was evidence that people who consumed more fruits and vegetables had lower risks of cancer  and cardiovascular disease. In the search for explanations for this fact, it was observed that substances contained in fruits and vegetables could decrease the passive oxidation of DNA molecules and, thus, reduce the probability of inappropriate transformation of cells.

Now,  How Kale Consumption Can Prevent Cancer , this is due to two vitamins in particular that ensure its antioxidant potential. The first of these is Vitamin A , also known as retinol, which is transformed into retinoic acid and acts especially in the eye region, skin and mucous membranes.

At Cabbage , it has the company of Vitamin C , the same one famous for preventing flu and colds , also important for the production of collagen, a protein that guarantees firmness to the skin, muscles and cartilage, as well as being important in the formation of the structure of any cell. .

Another way how kale consumption can prevent cancer is by preparing kale juice combined with other antioxidant vegetables ( pumpkin , eggplant , tomato ) is even better to ensure health. And all this without leaving aside a touch of beauty, how about that?

Leftover Nutrients:  Rich in vitamins and packed with minerals such as calcium and iron , kale is important for maintaining the body’s nutritional balance. And, for cancer patients , this benefit is fundamental, since malnutrition and weight loss are common and caused by the tumor itself with the development of a set of symptoms, associated with anorexia, loss of lean body mass, weakness muscle, fatigue and a change in your immune defense functions.

Malnutrition is the cause of death in 20% to 40% of cancer patients . The nutritional status of this patient should be evaluated early, initiating possible interventions, which will improve the treatment outcome and the response to chemotherapy.

The More the Better:  Green foods that are rich in antioxidants are an important factor in explaining how kale consumption can prevent cancer  and detoxify the body. They contain chlorophyll, folic acid , iron , calcium , beta-carotene and isocyanates. Its main sources are Kale ,  Spinach ,  Cabbage  and Broccoli .

In fact, the color is a good way to recognize the antioxidants present in each food: the red ones (such as tomato , guava and watermelon ) are rich in lycopene; the orange ones ( pumpkin , papaya and mango ), in beta-carotene; finally, the purple ones ( Amora , Eggplant and  Grape ), in anthocyanins. Hence the importance of always varying what you put on your plate.

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