The 15 Home Recipes to Treat Anemia
Home Recipes to Treat Anemia are simple and 100% natural. In addition, homemade recipes to treat anemia are a combination of leaves, fruits, vegetables rich in some specific nutrients and vitamins.
Anemia starts with a decrease in red blood cells in the blood. The amount of hemoglobin is below normal levels, which is due to insufficient iron in the body. This pathology can derive from constant bleeding or small losses, but it can also be hereditary. Those who have anemia should invest in a diet rich in iron and vitamins such as A, B12 and C, which are the most deficient in the body.
News of the week:
Causes of Anemia:
- Large blood loss such as abnormal menstruation .
- Bleeding injuries to the digestive tract such as gastric ulcers – bleeding during surgery or after trauma.
- Chronic renal failure.
- Cancer and etc.
Anemia symptoms :
- Sudden tiredness.
- General weakness.
- Pale face.
- Frequent headaches .
- Dizziness.
- Ringing in the ears.
- Palpitations.
- Loss of appetite .
1# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – MULTI-VITAMIN DRINK:
- 3 carrots .
- 2 beets .
- 3 leaves of buttercup .
- 1 liter of water .
- Blend everything in the blender.
- Drink a glass 3 times a day.
2# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – PINEAPPLE DRINK WITH CABBAGE:
- Blend everything in the blender.
- If you prefer, add a spoon of honey .
- Drink 1 glass 3 times a day.
3# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – VEGETABLE VITAMIN:
- 3 cabbage leaves .
- 150g of spinach .
- 1 beet .
- 1 glass of water.
- 1 liter of water.
- Blend all ingredients in a blender with a glass of water.
- If desired, add honey .
- Drink 1 glass, 4 times a day.
4# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – CARROT VITAMIN WITH MILK:
- Mix all ingredients in a blender.
- If desired, add a spoonful of sugar.
- Drink a glass first thing in the morning for 15 days.
5# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – CARQUEJA TEA:
- 1 liter of water.
- 50g of carqueja leaves .
- Bring the water to a boil over medium heat and when it boils,
- Remove and gather the leaves of the plant.
- Let it rest for 5 minutes. Drink 5 cups a day.
6# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – NETTLE TEA:
- 1 liter of water.
- 50g of fresh nettle leaves .
- Bring the water to a medium heat and when it boils, remove and add the leaves of the plant.
- Let it rest for 5 minutes.
- Drink 3 cups (tea) a day.
7# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – DANDELION TEA:
- 1 liter of water.
- 50g of dandelion leaves .
- Bring the water to a medium heat and when it boils, remove and add the leaves of the plant.
- Let it rest for 5 minutes. Drink 5 cups a day.
8# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – ARTEMÍSIA TEA:
- 1 liter of water.
- 50g of Artemisia leaves .
- Bring the water to a medium heat and when it boils, remove and add the leaves of the plant.
- Let it rest for approximately 5 minutes.
- Drink 5 cups a day.
9# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – TEA TO STRENGTHEN DEFENSES:
- 1 tablespoon (dessert) saffron leaves .
- 1 cup of boiling water.
- Combine all the ingredients and let it rest for 5 minutes.
- Take 1 cup, 3 times a day.
10# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – COUVIAL JUICE AND:
- 3 cabbage leaves .
- 1 glass of natural orange juice .
- 1 liter of water.
- Blend everything in the blender.
- Strain and drink 1 cup a day for weeks.
11# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – PINEAPPLE JUICE:
- Mix all ingredients in a blender.
- Drink 1 glass, 4 times a day.
12# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – CABBAGE JUICE AND CRESS:
- 3 cabbage leaves .
- 3 watercress leaves .
- 1 cup (tea) of dandelion .
- Blend everything in the blender.
- Drink a glass 3 times a day.
Guidelines for People with Anemia:
- Places with smokers;
- Alcoholic beverages;
- frozen juices;
- Foods with a lot of sugar and fat.
- Invest in an iron diet, consuming plenty of vegetables .
- Consult a physician at any symptoms. Only a specialist will know which treatment is indicated for each case.
- Pregnant women should see a doctor for tests of the levels of red blood cells in the blood.
- Anemia in pregnancy is very common and is caused by an iron deficiency.
- If your child is constantly taking antibiotics, ask for iron levels to be analysed. Some antibiotics can lead to anemia, which is very common in children up to age 3.
13# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – CLAY COMPRESS:
- Gently apply a compress completely soaked in clay in the lumboventral region for approximately 2 hours.
- Repeat whenever you like.
14# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – MIRACLE BATH:
- Mix 1 liter of horsetail tea with lemon balm to your bath water and relax.
- Enjoy and stay approximately 10 minutes.
15# Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – VITAMINS:
Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – VITAMIN B12 : helps to strengthen the blood’s defenses and coat the nerves. You can find it in meat, fish and eggs.
Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – VITAMIN A : helps in the creation of the tissues of the human body. You can find it in carrots, spinach, broccoli, pumpkins, peaches and melons.
Home Recipes to Treat Anemia with – VITAMIN C : among many of its benefits, its combating fatigue, drowsiness and loss of appetite stands out. You can find it in citrus fruits. Sweet peppers , parsley , cauliflower , potatoes and broccoli .
Useful links:
Recommended Amounts for People with Anemia
- For those who have Anemia eat – BANANA : 4 times a week.
- For those who have Anemia eat – UVA : 4 times a week.
- For those who have Anemia eat – APPLE : 5 times a week.
- For those who have Anemia eat – PEAR : 4 times a week.
- For those who have Anemia eat – PLUM : 3 times a week.
- For those who have Anemia eat – ORANGE : 5 times a week.
- For those who have Anemia eat – KIWI : 3 times a week.