5 home remedies with green tea to lose weight!

These home remedies with green tea to lose weight are useful, but they do not eliminate the need for a low-calorie diet and regular physical exercise so that weight loss is faster.

In addition, green tea is a great home remedy for weight loss , as it helps to increase the body’s metabolism, burning more calories. However, there are also other options to lose weight by adding other ingredients.

Green tea benefits: 

Green tea for weight loss contains other health benefits as well. In addition to promoting fat burning and helping with weight loss, green tea can also:

  • Improves brain functions;
  • Decreases the risk of a number of types of cancer ;
  • Increases insulin sensitivity and acts in the control of glucose rates in the circulation;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Minimizes the risk of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson ‘s and Alzheimer’s ;
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases;
  • Increases longevity: numerous studies have linked the habitual consumption of green tea to a longer life expectancy;
  • Contains antioxidant action ;
  • Helps fight bad cholesterol ;
  • Helps improve mood.

Now that you know what green tea is for , let’s learn how to make green tea the right way so that you can achieve your goals, whether they are losing weight, burning fat or just improving your health.

Home remedies with green tea to lose weight:

1. Green Tea with Ginger:


– a dessert spoon of green tea leaves ;
– 1 Piece of Grated Ginger ;
– 1 cup of hot water.

Preparation mode:

  1. Heat the water until it reaches the temperature;
  2. Pour the hot water over the green tea leaves and grated ginger and cover;
  3. Let it simmer for 3 minutes;
  4. Strain the tea and drink it unsweetened.

See Also:  The 40 Health Benefits of Ginger!

2. Green tea and lemon:


– 1 liter of water ;
– 6 green tea bags ;
– 1/2 lemon .

Preparation mode:

  1. Heat the water without letting it boil;
  2. Add the sachets and half a lemon ;
  3. Sweeten to taste (don’t overdo it).

3. Green tea and horsetail:


– 1 liter of water ;
– 6 green tea bags ;
– 1/2 lemon ;
– 200 ml of horsetail tea.

Preparation mode:

  1. Heat the water without letting it boil;
  2. Add the sachets;
  3. Add half a lemon ;
  4. Add 200 ml of horsetail tea;
  5. Sweeten to taste (don’t overdo it).

See Also:   The 40 Health Benefits of Horsetail Tea .

4. Green Tea with Pineapple:


– Peel of half a pineapple cut into small pieces;
– 1/2 pineapple cut into small cubes;
– 1 liter and a half of water (use with the pineapple peel );
– 200 ml of water (use with green tea );
– 1 green tea bag .

Preparation mode:

  1. Peel off 1/2 pineapple ;
  2. Put it to boil for 10 minutes;
  3. Take it out and let it cool;
  4. Beat the peel in the blender along with the water in which it was boiled;
  5. Next, strain;
  6. Boil 200 ml of water;
  7. Add the green tea bag. Wait for it to cool down;
  8. Unite pineapple water with green tea;
  9. Add the pineapple cubes . Keep in the fridge.

5. Green tea and hibiscus for weight loss:


– 2 teaspoons of green tea ;
– 2 teaspoons of hibiscus ;
– ginger  and lemon to taste;
– 1 liter of water .

Preparation mode:

  1. Put the 2 teas with the hot water
  2. Add the  ginger  and lemon
  3. Let sit for a few minutes
  4. Then strain and drink

Home  remedies with green tea for weight loss  are not a miracle that will make you lose weight fast once and for all. It is useful to improve the effects of physical exercises and a healthy and balanced diet. Therefore, it is no use drinking tea and continuing to eat improperly and following a totally sedentary routine.

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