5 home remedies to treat hives
Causes of Hives: Some of the most common causes of hives can include: food (nuts, chocolate, fish , tomatoes, eggs, fresh fruit and milk), latex, chemicals, pollen, food additives, pet dander, infections, drugs and insect bites. This reaction can also happen when you are exposed to hot temperatures for a long time (like a sunny summer day), even when you are exposed to cold water like ice. Also, many cases of hives are idiopathic, meaning that there is no known cause for the condition.
The hives rash tends to be well defined, come in different shapes and sizes, and can be very itchy. They may appear a few minutes after exposure to a “ hives trigger ” may have a delayed reaction for more than two hours. While hives can be uncomfortable, these are harmless and usually go away within a few hours or a few days. Treatments to relieve hives are harmless and usually go away within a few hours or a few days. So check it out now
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Home Remedies To Treat Hives: You can explore the kitchen and garden to find Home Remedies To Treat Hives naturally in a very quick and safe way.
1# Cold compresses: Experts suggest that cold compresses be one of the best home remedies to treat hives . The cold helps to narrow blood vessels and blocks the release of histamine, relieving the swelling, inflammation and itching of hives . You can wrap some ice cubes in a towel. Place on affected skin for 10 minutes at a time, three or four times a day. Never place ice directly on the skin.
2# Baking Soda: Baking soda is one of the Home Remedies to Treat Urticaria , its anti-inflammatories reduce inflammation and itching. How to use baking soda as a home remedy:
- 1/2 cup of baking soda.
- hot water .
- Add half a cup of baking soda to a tub of hot water.
- Mix well and then soak in water for 20 to 30 minutes.
3# Home Remedy to Treat Urticaria with Baking Soda:
- Sodium bicarbonate.
- warm water.
- Alternatively, place two tablespoons of baking soda in a small bowl.
- Add enough water to make a thick paste.
- Spread the paste over the affected area.
- Leave for about 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water .
- You can use any of these remedies once a day or as needed.
4# Oatmeal: Oatmeal works well as one of the Home Remedies to Treat Hives to reduce the problems caused by hives . It has anti-inflammatory properties that help provide relief from itchiness and heal the skin quickly. Combine one cup of baking soda and two cups of oatmeal. Add this mixture to a bathtub filled with hot water. Mix well and soak in water for at least 15 minutes.
Enjoy this relaxing bath twice a day until your condition improves. Alternatively, you can mix two cups of oatmeal with two tablespoons of cornstarch, or two tablespoons of cornmeal and water, which will be enough to form a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash with hot water. Use this remedy once a day.
5# Ginger Root: You can use ginger root to treat hives due to its strong anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. Ginger ‘s healing power refers to an enzyme that causes inflammation, which in turn improves skin health, to relieve swelling and reduce itching.
- Brown sugar;
- Warm Water ;
- ginger ;
- Vinegar.
- Boil 1/4 brown sugar and a tablespoon of fresh ginger in three-quarters of a cup of vinegar for a few minutes.
- Mix some of this solution with warm water and wash your skin several times a day.
- Alternatively, you can skin fresh ginger root and apply it on the inflamed skin.
- Do this two or three times a day.
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You can put ginger in the freezer to have an effect on hives . You can also make ginger tea or chew fresh ginger pieces several times a day, this will help to strengthen the immune system. Try doing any of these Home Remedies to Treat Hives , until the skin is completely healed.