The 8 Health Benefits of Wasabi

The Health Benefits of Wasabi are diverse, as it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. Also, Japanese horseradish or wasabia japonica, better known as wasabi, is that common Japanese sushi food. But, this root has more to offer than just a pungent taste and distinctive smell. With health benefits ranging from cholesterol -lowering effects to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, there are many reasons to introduce wasabi into your diet.

Wasabi is a type of horseradish that has become known in Japanese cuisine as a condiment that can activate the taste buds. The root is rich in fiber and has an abundance of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium, sodium and B vitamins, Vitamin A and Vitamin C , as well as folate. So, check out now  The 8 Health Benefits of Wasabi.

Benefits of Wasabi to Control High Cholesterol:  Animal studies found that when hypercholesterolemic rats were fed a diet that included wasabi root, the level of HDL (good) cholesterol increased significantly. LDL (bad) cholesterol levelsalso decreased significantly, indicating anti-cholesterol activity. Wasabi consumption can therefore help in modulating cholesterol metabolism .

Wasabi Benefit For Cardiovascular Health:  Among the many benefits of wasabi is its ability to prevent platelet aggregation, which is important for cardiovascular health.

Wasabi Benefits To Relieve Respiratory Problems:  Wasabi can be used to treat upper respiratory problems. The gaseous allyl isothiocyanate present in wasabi is responsible for the pungent smell and sensation. It is also antimicrobial. This type of horseradish has traditionally been used to treat congestion and muscle pain, as well as to relieve clogged breasts. Researchers also suggest that wasabi may exert an anti-inflammatory action that may fight asthma….

Wasabi Benefit As Antibacterial:  Wasabi is a natural antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral agent. Infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria has been linked to problems like peptic ulcers, chronic gastritis and even gastric cancer. Wasabi leavesas well as its roots, have bactericidal properties that can act against Helicobacter pylori. With the growing problems surrounding antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the need for non-antibiotic agents has become more critical than ever – and this is where the role of wasabi becomes more important.

Benefits of Wasabi to Fight Cancer:  Wasabi contains antioxidants called isothiocyanates, which fight free radical damage and have anti-cancer ability.
Research has found that 6-HITC, a phytochemical and isothiocyanate found in wasabi, can cause cell death or apoptosis in human stomach cancer cells as well as monoblastic leukemia cells. In vitro studies have also found anticancer properties in wasabi.

Wasabi Benefit for Bones:  As we age, bone mass also decreases. Wasabi can maintain bone integrity by decreasing bone loss. With better bone health, you will be less susceptible to developmental problems such as osteoporosis. Other research has also found that it can help you with bone calcification, an abnormal buildup of calcium in your bones.

Wasabi can strengthen your bones thanks to its rich calcium content. A 100 g of wasabi contains about 128 mg of the mineral. Calcium is a vital nutrient for bone health and helps maintain bone function and structure.

Benefits of Wasabi to Fight Inflammation: Wasabi has been used to treat inflamed joints and has anti-inflammatory properties. This holds great promise for treating inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

Wasabi Weight Loss Benefit: Wasabi can be a great ally in your weight loss plan if it is included along with a healthy diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. Among other things, wasabi works as a digestive stimulant.

Wasabi Side Effects:  When wasabi is consumed in small amounts it is beneficial. However, you should be careful when choosing wasabi without the presence of hepatotoxin, a chemical that can harm your liver .

Generally, consuming wasabi excessively or inhaling its smoke can cause an immediate burning sensation. Those who are allergic may also experience side effects from an allergy like digestive issues, swollen airways, etc. So be sure to check before consuming wasabi, especially if you are pregnant.

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