The 8 Health Benefits of Vitamin D3
The main source of vitamin production is through sun exposure, as ultraviolet rays of type B (UVB) are able to activate the synthesis of this substance.
Some foods, especially fatty fish , are sources of vitamin D3 , but the sun is responsible for 80-90% of the vitamin the body receives. It can also be produced in the laboratory and administered as a supplement when there is a deficiency and for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases. So, check out  The 8 Health Benefits of Vitamin D3.
Benefits of Vitamin D3 for Strengthening Bones: Vitamin D3 is necessary for the absorption of calcium by the bones. People with vitamin D3 deficiency  get 30% less calcium from their diet. Calcium is responsible for strengthening bones and teeth. Deficiency of this nutrient can cause rickets in childhood and osteoporosis in adulthood.
Benefits of Vitamin D3 to Protect the Heart: Vitamin D3 participates in the control of contractions of the heart muscle, necessary to pump blood to the body. In addition, it allows the relaxation of blood vessels and influences the production of the main blood pressure regulating hormone, renin.
The lack of vitamin D3 can lead to the accumulation of calcium in the artery, favoring the risk of plaque formation. With all these issues, the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases like heart failure, stroke and heart attack are higher in people with vitamin D3 deficiency .
Benefits of Vitamin D3 for Strengthening Immunity:  Vitamin D3 is able to stimulate the immune system . According to research, children with adequate levels of vitamin D3 in the body are rarely infected by the flu and cold . So having the ideal levels of this vitamin in the body, in addition to protecting against flu and cold viruses , keeps the immune system strong against other types of diseases.
Benefits of Vitamin D3 for Improved Cardiovascular Health:  According to research, people with good levels of vitamin D3 in the body have less rigid artery walls, so that arteriosclerosis is avoided or even alleviated. Thanks to this effect, the blood pressure of hypertensive patients decreases, in addition to establishing a lower risk of myocardial infarction.
Benefits of Vitamin D3 for Hormonal Health:  Having adequate levels of vitamin D3 in the body is directly related to good hormonal health, as it stimulates adequate production of estrogen in women and testosterone in men.
In addition, this vitamin in the body directly influences mood, and its deficiency can lead a person to develop depression .
Benefits of Vitamin D3 for Weight Loss:  According to research, having adequate levels of vitamin D3 in the body is related to weight loss. That’s because there is a relationship between the levels of this vitamin and the body’s ability to burn fat.
The presence of vitamin D3 in the cells is able to stimulate the burning of fat in a more intense way. In addition, it also prevents excessive hunger and those sudden cravings for certain foods, especially sweets.
Vitamin D3 can also be obtained through supplementation by capsules found in pharmacies and health food stores. And by eating foods that are also rich in this type of vitamin. Foods rich in vitamin D3 are:
- Cod Liver Oil: Without a doubt, cod liver oil is one of the richest supplements in vitamin D3 . It can be found in pharmacies and natural products stores;
- Egg: Egg yolk contains about 37 IUs of vitamin D3 ;
- Oysters: Oysters are excellent sources of several vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin D3 . Every 100g contains about 81 IUs of vitamin D3;
- Orange Juice: orange juice is an excellent source of vitamin D3 , in addition to providing important amounts of calcium and vitamin C ;
- Tuna: one of the foods that most provide vitamin D3 to the body;
- Sardines: sardines are also another fish rich in vitamin D3 ;
- Liver Steak:Â Many may turn up their noses at liver steak, but nothing will change that it is a very rich food in vitamin D3, in addition to being an excellent source of iron.
In addition to these, the lack of vitamin D3 can also lead to the development of lung infections and asthma, depression, chronic diseases, osteoporosis and obesity.
It is important that before supplementing with vitamin D3Â , always consult a doctor, as he will be able to assess whether or not your body is in need of more vitamin.