The 14 Health Benefits of Orange Juice

The Health Benefits of Orange Juice are diverse, as orange juice  has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition,  orange is a popular citrus fruit for its sweet and spicy taste. They belong to the Rutaceae family and are cultivated and consumed all over the world. Oranges are usually eaten fresh. They are also frequently used in various juices, salads, jams, jellies and marmalades. Ice cream, cakes and pies use orange flavor  for its aroma and flavor. Read on to learn about the numerous nutritional benefits of oranges for health.Nutritional Value of Orange:  Orange is rich in sugar and carbohydrates. They provide energy and contain about 50 calories per 100 grams of consumption. Orangeis known for being rich in fiber and vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C , orange   contains vitamin A , vitamin B and vitamin E. and Minerals such as Iron , Zinc , Potassium , Calcium , Magnesium and Manganese .

Benefits of Orange Juice as a Source of Vitamin C:  You may be familiar with the benefits of Vitamin C for warding off a cold, but Vitamin C is much more important than just that. Vitamin C is best absorbed by the body through food and drink as it cannot be synthesized by the human body. Two glasses of orange juice a day can increase the concentration of Vitamin C within your body by 40 to 64 percent. Vitamin C is beneficial as it helps fight free radicals that can contribute to premature aging and also helps with the absorption of other essential nutrients, including iron and calcium.

Benefits of Orange Juice for Boosting the Immune System:  To continue our discussion on Vitamin C , orange juice and its nutritional content help boost the immune system. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps provide the immune system with a much-needed boost, while fighting free radicals that can harm the immune system, reducing its ability to fight off illness.

Benefits of Orange Juice as a Source of Fiber:  When you think of fiber, you probably think of grains, but believe it or not, orange juice comes with a high fiber content, which is helpful for bowel regularity and cholesterol levels. A large orange contains 18 percent of the recommended daily fiber intake.

Benefits of Orange Juice for Preventing Kidney Stones: Kidney  stones are well known to be a highly painful condition, so if you want to ward them off, you better drink some orange juice . Orange juice contains citric acidand citrates, which are believed to help reduce the risk of kidney stones. Additionally, potassium citrate is often prescribed to patients with kidney stones as a treatment and the citrates found in oranges have been found to have similar effects.

Benefits of Orange Juice to Improve Blood Circulation:  Our muscles, organs and basically everything in our body require a blood supply to function properly. But if the blood isn’t circulating, our inner parts can’t get the nourishment they need. Oranges havea high folate count, which is necessary for the creation of DNA and new cell growth. Folate also protects cells from damage and mutations and wards off free radicals. Folate is also needed in the formation of new red blood cells, as well as stimulating blood flow to the extremities. So, if you have cold hands and feet, consuming more orange juice can be a simple solution.

Benefits of Orange Juice to Reduce Inflammation: Inflammation is the body’s response to stimuli as a form of protection, but inflammation also has a downside, which can lead to pain and other complications. Citrus fruits in general have been hailed as anti-inflammatory agents and citrus consumption can help ward off the metabolic syndrome that can lead to complications liketype 2 diabetes . Orange juice can help reduce inflammation all the time, protecting the heart – which can save you from chronic conditions.

Benefits of Orange Juice for Blood Pressure:  There are many components to lowering blood pressure. Reducing salt is one of them. Another way to lower blood pressure is to increase your potassium intake – found in abundance in orange juice . Other studies have shown that the components found in orange juice can help activate small blood vessels, helping to lower overall blood pressure, as well as reducing the risk of cardiovascular events as well.

Benefits of Orange Juice for Improved Cholesterol:  We mentioned briefly that the fiber content of orange juice may help to help with cholesterol, but there is another mechanism in oranges at work – not yet fully understood that has been shown to help improve the number of cholesterol. What we do know is that cholesterol levels can have a big impact on heart health and overall health, so until science really finds out why and how, it’s safe to say consuming orange juice in the meantime is good practicedaily to control your cholesterol.

Benefits of Orange Juice for Radiant Skin:  Orange juice is packed with antioxidants – so far it was pretty clear – and these antioxidants can also leave you with radiant skin. Antioxidants fight free radicals, and those found in orange juice can protect your skin from sun damage and pollution, prevent wrinkles, and improve your skin’s overall texture. Additionally, Vitamin C plays a role in collagen formation, which gives our skin that youthful look. So drink to beautiful skin!

Benefits of Orange Juice for Better Heart Health:  We have already mentioned a few heart benefits of orange juice , including increasing blood circulation, lowering cholesterol, and improving blood pressure. It’s important to keep all of these factors at healthy levels as they can affect your heart health. Unmanaged cholesterol and blood pressure increased stress on the heart, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and other cardiac events. Oranges haveall the right ingredients to help protect your heart in general.

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