The 8 Health Benefits of Olive Oil with Lemon
The Benefits of Olive Oil and Lemon: Olive oil is naturally derived from the olive fruit. Because extra virgin olive oil only requires minimal handling and handling during the extraction process, nutrients are conserved and pure olive oil is rich in minerals and vitamins and is ideal for providing healing benefits. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and provides Vitamin B , proteins, Potassium , carbohydrates and Phosphorus . Lemon also contains flavonoids which have antioxidant properties of organic facts.
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Healing Effects of Lemon Olive Oil Blend: The healing and cholesterol-lowering effects of lemon olive oil are greater if you choose extra virgin olive oil , which is less processed and contains more antioxidants than other oils. Olive oil contains acidity and monounsaturated fats, which are healthier dietary fats than trans saturated fats. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can reduce total cholesterol from bad LDL cholesterol levels.
Olive oil also helps keep your cholesterol (HDL) levels in check and can reduce your chances of getting heart disease. Lemon can lower blood pressure and increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL). Now, check out the Health Benefits of Olive Oil With Lemon.
Benefits of Olive Oil With Lemon For The Heart: Olive oil with lemon contains heart-healthy antioxidants such as tocopherols, the natural form of Vitamin E. These oxidants can help reduce the risk of heart disease by promoting the body’s protection against the oxidation of cholesterol, which can clog the bloodstream and lead to hardening of the arteries.
Olive Oil With Lemon Is An Excellent Anticoagulant: Olive oil with lemon contains potent anticoagulants that help against heart disease, as they thin the blood and reduce the chances of blood clots and blood vessel obstructions.
Benefits of Olive Oil With Lemon For High Blood Pressure: Lemon juice contains potassium , and drinking it can be helpful for people who have heart problems or high blood pressure .
Benefits of Olive Oil With Lemon For Stomach: Olive oil with fresh lemon contains antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. They are used to treat a variety of stomach problems, including stomach pain , indigestion , stomach acidity and colic. The soothing effects of olive oil with lemon can soothe the digestive system and help reduce gas and bloating.
Mixing a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice before a meal can help protect the stomach from ulcers and relieve constipation without aggravating its passage through digestion.
Benefits of Olive Oil With Lemon For Gallbladder, Liver and Kidney: Consumption of olive oil with lemon can slow down the growth of gallstones. Drinking a mixture of lemon , olive oil and water an hour before breakfast can help detoxify and cleanse the gallbladder, liver and kidneys.
Benefits of Olive Oil With Lemon For Skin, Nails and Hair: To strengthen weak, fragile and brittle nails, make a mixture of 1 spoon of extra virgin olive oil with 1 spoon of lemon juice , where you will soak your nails during 10 minutes before bed. You can also sleep with cotton gloves on to allow the lemon and olive oil mixture to soak into your nails overnight.
Lemon olive oil can help hair become healthier, stronger and shinier and can help control dandruff because of its antiseptic and astringent qualities of lemon , as well as helping to treat skin disorders. Mix and drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil with a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to help maintain a healthy body, shiny hair and smooth skin.
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In general, if you feel like having this regimen on a daily basis for an indefinite period, taking a tablespoon of olive oil mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice every day before having your breakfast will give many healing benefits. It’s a preventative way to keep your body with essential nutrients, permanently, although you should know a healthy diet too.