Gluten – what it is, benefits and side effects!
Gluten is a form of protein present in wheat, barley, rye and other grains , it is what makes dough rise and become elastic in its natural form. It is often used to make seitan , a meat alternative used by vegetarians to make faux chicken, faux beef, and other vegetarian foods. Gluten is sometimes added to other foods to increase their protein content.
What is gluten?
It is a protein present in some cereals, whose nutritional value for humans is very low. The main function of gluten is that of “glue”, which is mixed with the flour and the water unites the dough to allow the making of bread.
From the structural point of view, it is composed of a reticular, elastic and porous mass, not soluble in water. Among the components of the gluten protein is gliadin, a sequence of five amino acids (glutamine, glutamine, proline, phenylalanine, proline), which is believed to be the responsible immune response dell’inappropriata of certain genetically predisposed individuals.
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These individuals are gluten intolerant : if ingested, they can experience a wide range of reactions.
What is the origin of gluten ?
It is a protein of plant origin, this can be obtained in a considerable amount within flours that are used for cereals. Regarding its use, it is essential in the preparation of bread and derivatives, as it provides elasticity to the mixture.
Gluten itself is formed by two additional proteins, these are glutenin and gliadin, these two proteins can vary in terms of their nomenclature if you take into account the cereal in which it is included.
Since 2005, when the law entered the obligation to indicate whether or not gluten is present in foods, as this can be a cause of allergy and also take into account people who are intolerant to this compound.
What is gluten used for ?
It is mainly used in baking, because it brings elasticity to the bread (so that the bread is not crumbly and crumbles) plus gluten makes the bread soft, because it keeps the carbon dioxide produced in the fermentation to leave the bread rise and do not empty after cooking.
But it is not only used in the manufacture of breads, cakes and the like. Thus, celiacs have to be careful with many foods that, in principle, should not have gluten , for example:
- It is used in flavor enhancers and to add coloring and flavoring to all kinds of foods, such as yogurts , sauces, snacks…
- Added to breakfast cereals to fix vitamins and minerals, give consistency to flakes and add protein to food.
- It’s added to roasted nuts so the salt and other additives stay attached.
- Used in meat preparations (reconstituted fillets, chicken rolls, etc.) and in sausages.
- It is added to low-quality cooked ham to make it more consistent and cheaper.
- In gluten -coated products , it is added because it prevents the beater from falling off.
- It is added to spices and condiments to add aromas and colors or simply to increase the weight of the product at a low price.
- It is used in the manufacture of animal feed because it is a good binder to form feed croquettes and fish feed flakes.
- It is also used as a meat substitute (seitan) in vegetarian diets and to make synthetic cheese and synthetic fish derivatives, surimi, sauces and noodles (widely used in Japan).
Health benefits of gluten :
Gluten is not a harmful compound if ingested correctly, therefore, it can provide us with the following benefits:
- It provides elasticity and increases the quality of doughs, which is why it is widely used in bakeries and pastry shops.
- It digests easily, also provides fiber, so it improves constipation condition in people.
- It can be used to lose weight, because if you combine protein with a balanced diet, you can improve this process as it has no carbohydrates.
- Unlike other types of proteins, it contains small amounts of starch.
- When in its simplest form, it can provide a very small amount of calories.
Gluten-rich foods:
Gluten is present in the following cereals
- wheat
- rye
- barley
- oat
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- trigger of khorasan
And therefore it is found in the following foods
- flour
- semolina
- cereal flakes
- pastas
- Potato dumplings
- gnocchi the roman
- bread
- loaf bread
- It was
- pizza
- breadsticks
- biscuit
- toast
- taralli
- crouton
- couscous
- taboulleh
- wheat
- seitan
- muesli
Recommended daily dose:
There are people who suffer from celiac disease , which causes the inability to process it in the body, so they must have a gluten-free diet . However, this cannot be done in its entirety, since it is a compound that is present in almost all our foods, at least in a small amount due to its preparation, handling or characteristics.
Likewise, not all humans have the same sensitivity to this protein compound, so it is difficult to determine a fixed daily dose and generally recommended intake. So, we have several studies that indicate an estimate of this, in 2007 there was one that indicated that ingesting 50 mg daily for three months could influence the mucosa of our body.
Subsequently, based on another study, it was concluded that 20 mg/kg of product was an amount that could be consumed without problem in case of celiac disease . However, there is an international standard called CODEX STAN 118, which limits the amount of gluten for people suffering from celiac disease to 10 mg/kg.
Gluten Allergy or Intolerance ?
Nowadays, statistics point to the fact that more and more people suffer from celiac disease or from gluten allergy and intolerance , which are different diseases and here we are going to point out the differences.
Gluten intolerance:
Intolerance is a reaction that occurs in our body to come into contact with a food that contains gluten . The symptoms caused by this intolerance are usually at the gastrointestinal level, however, this condition does not influence the patient’s immune system or cause tissue damage in the body.
The most common symptoms of gluten intolerance are the following: irritability, headache , constant tingling in the upper and lower limbs, inflammation, bloating and diarrhea . All these manifestations manifest themselves exactly at the moment after eating gluten -containing food . Contrary to what happens with allergies, intolerance does not improve with the passage of time, that is, it always remains present.
Gluten allergy:
Allergy is a reaction of our immune system that manifests itself when we consider that foods containing gluten can be harmful to our body, even when they are not.
The allergy can develop the following symptoms: nausea , cramping , nasal congestion, eye irritation, swelling in the mouth, breathing problems and allergic skin reaction (may or may not cause itching).
This type of allergy, unlike what happens with celiac disease and intolerance, can improve over time, so that over time, the person can go back to eating gluten -free foods .
Contraindications and side effects:
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All foods can cause harmful effects if consumed in an exaggerated dose, this theory does not escape, therefore, if ingested in excessive amount it can cause these types of problems in the body:
- When gluten is mixed with other products with high levels of sugars, the calories in the food can be increased.
- When it is implemented in a very high amount, it can reduce the fiber in the food.
- If swallowed in excess, it can stick to the walls of the intestines, which means that the nutrients contained in the food cannot be absorbed.
- Excessive consumption of gluten can cause intolerance to the protein compounds in gluten as it alters and damages the mucus of the small intestine.
- It is not recommended for people who suffer from autism or those who suffer from dermatitis.