Honey, Ginger and Lemon Syrup to Burn Belly Fat!

Honey, ginger and lemon syrup to burn belly fat in a simple and super natural way. In addition, this syrup  also helps in the health of the whole body in general.

We all want to remove the fat and excess water that accumulates in our body. We present a syrup that will help you achieve this. This Belly Fat Burning Syrup is really effective if you combine it with some cardio training.

This syrup will improve your memory, hearing and vision and also speed up your brain function. The main ingredient is fresh horseradish, rich in vitamin C , potassium, vitamin B1 and B6, iron, vitamin B2, magnesium and phosphorus.

Horseradish cleanses and speeds up metabolism, reduces fatigue and at the same time encourages the development of good bacteria in the stomach.

Belly Fat Burning Syrup Recipe:


  • 125 g of horseradish;
  • 4 lemons;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey ;
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder;
  • 1 piece of ginger (2 cm).


  • It is very simple procedure. First, you must mix the horseradish and ginger in a blender. Squeeze the lemon juice and add it to the blender.
  • Then stir for 2-3 minutes. Add 3 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and mix again until you get the syrup. It is preferable to store the syrup in a jar.
Useful links: 


  • It is important to take 1 tablespoon twice a day before meals or before a cardio workout. Take it for three weeks and then take a break for a few days. You will be surprised at the results!

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