End Your Cracked Feet With These 2 Ingredients
News of the week:
Causes of Cracked Feet: Cracked feet, known medically as calcaneal fissures, can also indicate a deficiency of zinc and omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, cracked heels are not harmful, except when cracks or cracks are present. they are deep and tend to become painful and the skin begins to bleed. This can lead to infection, however, it is a situation that should be avoided, especially for those who suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, who have a weakened immune system or who have an illness that can delay the treatment of Cracked Feet. .
- Age. Over time, the skin becomes drier, loses its elasticity and becomes more vulnerable to cracking.
- Wear tight shoes and stand for a long time in the same posture.
- Deficiency of vitamins or minerals such as zinc.
- Obesity.
- Habit of walking barefoot.
- How to Treat Cracked Feet :
- To treat cracked feet, it is necessary to moisturize and exfoliate the affected area.
- Moisturize your feet several times a day with a specific foot moisturizer that has urea, salicylic acid or lactic acid in its formula.
- Exfoliate your Cracked Feet once a week.
- This way you eliminate dead cells from the surface of the skin and promote cell renewal.
- The result of exfoliation is a soft, smooth skin ready to be hydrated. You can use specific products for exfoliation or make some homemade recipe.
So, now check out this recipe to Get Rid of Cracked Feet with These 2 Ingredients.
- 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda
- 3-4 glass of milk
- After heating the milk, it is poured into a large bowl.
- Make sure this is hot but doesn’t burn your skin.
- Soak your feet in milk and relax for 5-6 minutes.
- Add bicarbonate of soda to the milk, while stirring well to dissolve.
- Leave your feet in this solution for a few minutes and then rub your feet well.
- Wash your feet and then dry them with a towel.
- At the end, apply some foot cream or body lotion.
Useful links:
NOTE: When proper care is taken with the skin of the feet , cracks on the feet become less frequent. Now if you are already doing the treatment on your feet and it has not had the desired effect, it is important that you consult a dermatologist so that he can monitor your case.