Gardnerella vaginalis – symptoms, causes and treatments!

Gardnerella  vaginalis are bacteria that normally live in the vagina without causing any symptoms to show in the body. However, when they multiply in an exaggerated way, they can cause an infection  popularly known as bacterial vaginosis, which leads to the production of grayish discharge and a foul smell.

The treatment of Gardnerella Vaginalis  is done with antibiotic remedies , such as Metronidazole or Clindamycin, in the form of an oral tablet or ointments that must be applied to the vagina, although in some cases, a cure can only be achieved with proper washing of the region. Gardnerella Vaginalis infection usually occurs in women, but men can also be infected through condomless intercourse with an infected partner.

Symptoms of Gardnerella Vaginalis:

It is easy to recognize  bacterial Gardnerella Vaginalis , as the symptoms of this condition are so characteristic that you will notice them as soon as they appear. However, some women with this vaginal infection do not experience any discomfort, which means that they only realize it much later, when the condition has already worsened. The symptoms of Gardnerella are:

  • grayish yellow discharge;
  • Strong vaginal odor, similar to fish;
  • Burning when urinating;
  • Itching inside and outside the vagina.

To diagnose this vaginal infection , it is necessary for the gynecologist to perform a pelvic exam to identify the bacteria. Ensure the diagnosis is effective by avoiding the use of tampons and sexual intercourse 36 hours before the medical appointment.

To examine your pelvis, the doctor will ask you to lie on the stretcher with your feet elevated. Afterwards, he will insert a speculum to slightly open the vagina and be able to examine the inside, thus taking a sample of the flow with a cotton swab. This sample is examined under a microscope to look for signs of infection .

Causes of Gardnerella Vaginalis:

There is still no specific cause for the emergence of  Gardnerella Vaginalis infection , however, factors such as having multiple sexual partners, frequent vaginal washing or smoking , seem to be related to an increased risk of having Gardnerella Vaginalis .

This infection  cannot be considered a sexually transmitted disease, as it also occurs in women who have not yet had sexual intercourse. To avoid getting this infection , some recommendations include maintaining proper intimate hygiene, using condoms for all sexual reactions and avoiding wearing tight underwear.

  • Having a new sexual partner or multiple sexual partners;
  • vaginal douches;
  • Using an intrauterine device (IUD) as a contraceptive;
  • Do not use condoms.

Treatment of Gardnerella Vaginalis:

Gardnerella Vaginalis is easy to cure and its treatment is done using antibiotics , with Metronidazole being the drug of choice, as it works to combat Gardnerella Vaginalis and other anaerobic bacteria that are usually associated with the condition.

But it can also be done by using drugs such as Secnidazole or Azithromycin taken orally, or in ointments, which must be applied on the spot. Even if the partner does not have the symptoms  of  Gardnerella Vaginalis , treatment should always be extended to him.

Prevention Against Gardnerella Vaginalis:

Useful links: 

Any disease is prevented by removing the causal factors. In this case, it is important to: use condoms during sexual intercourse, avoid promiscuity (several sexual partners), adequate daily intimate hygiene, treat infections of the genital tract and periodically consult your doctor of choice.

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