Flat belly diet: How to do it, menu and tips
The flat belly diet promises to dry your belly in a few days, however, if your belly is affecting your body confidence, don’t despair.
The reason your belly is this big could very well be bloating, not fat.
That’s because one of the worst culprits for this problem is a sluggish digestive system .
In addition, it is common among women over 40.
However, exciting research suggests that you can get your digestion moving and overcome bloating with a few easy menu and lifestyle tweaks.
Put all these ideas into action now, and you should be flatter, sexier, and comfortably fit into your outfits in less than a week. Also, (Repeat after us: No more dieting. Never. Instead, learn to eat clean – with zero deprivation! – and watch the pounds drop, with your metabolism).
How Does the Flat Belly Diet Work?
There are two parts to the Flat Belly Diet : a four-day period to kick-start the jump, which should flush the system, followed by a four-week eating plan. Also, the start-up phase allows for just 1,200 calories a day; the four-week phase increases calorie intake to 1,600. Each stage is divided into three meals and a snack, and shopping lists and sample menus are provided.
During the start-up phase, readers are instructed to avoid salt, processed foods, carbohydrate -rich foods such as pasta and bagels, and gas-producing foods such as cabbage, onions , and vegetables.
Followers of the Flat Belly Diet are also advised to avoid coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages and carbonated beverages and instead drink two liters of “sassy” water (a mixture of ginger root , cucumber, lemon and mint leaves). ) every day.
What You Can Eat and What You Can’t:
First, you hit bloating for four days, aiming to consume 1,200 calories a day. Also, during this time, you cannot add salt to any food and you should avoid:
- processed foods
- foods that can make you gassy, such as beans , broccoli , and onions
- Carbs like pasta, bananas and bagels
- In addition, you should also drink 2 liters of water mixed with ginger root , cucumber, lemon and mint leaves , which the book calls “sassy water”.
After that, you stick to a Mediterranean-style Diet for 4 weeks with 1,600 calories a day to keep your belly flat .
Does the Flat Belly Diet Really Work?
Chances are you can only eat 1,600 calories a day to start losing weight. Also, losing 15 pounds in 32 days is a big step. To do that and lose fat (not water weight), you would have to cut about 1,600 calories from your Flat Belly Diet every day! You could do this by eating less and increasing your exercise, but that’s asking a lot of anyone.
There is also nothing magical about the Flat Belly Diet that will help you get a flat stomach in just a few days. Also, monounsaturated fats have no special effect on belly fat. Any diet that cuts calories and leads to weight loss will make your belly fatter along with the rest of you.
The Flat Belly Diet also recommends that you cut down on fiber-rich foods like beans and broccoli. Yes, they can cause gas – maybe even a little temporary bloating if you’re not used to them. But these foods are great ways to lose weight and keep it off. Fiber helps you feel full so you eat less.
If this Flat Belly Diet ultimately leads you to follow the Mediterranean diet, then it’s a good thing. This is a winning strategy and one that has been linked to weight loss in several medical studies.
Exercises to Lose Weight and Deflate Flat Belly:
We must be consistent with physical exercise and the Flat Belly Diet , if we want to see the best results in our figure, complement physical activities with a good diet so that nothing gets in our way.
The belly is one of the most difficult parts of losing fat and volume. However, there are many exercises designed to burn calories in this area, so we are going to tell you which ones get the best results.
Flat Belly Diet Floor Crunches :
The abs are the most recommended to reduce the waist, tone the belly and eliminate localized fat in that area. We can find several types of abs, but we will focus on the most common ones, ideal for anyone to practice both at home and in the gym.
With the help of a mat or mattress, lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands behind your head without exerting any pressure, lift your torso by pushing your abdomen and always keep your spine straight, don’t bend your neck or force it.
The ideal is to do 4 sets of 20 repetitions each. You can increase the intensity of the exercise if you lift your legs off the floor.
Flat Belly Diet Frog Legs :
Sit on a mat and keep your back straight and your legs bent in the air. Move your legs back and forth at the same time. Contract your abs and get closer to your legs and chest. Perform 20 push-ups in 3 sets.
Stretching the Flat Belly Diet Abs :
It is important to stretch this area, we must do it lying on a mat with the whole body stretched and the hands resting on the floor. You will have to lift your arms so that the front part of the body lifts back with the belly contracted.
Ginger Tea Compress Recipe:
- Ginger root : 1 cup (tea);
- Water: 2 liters.
Preparation mode:
- Tie the grated ginger in a cotton bag;
- Also, bring the water to a boil and, when it is at boiling point, place the bag with the ginger and let it soak for 5 minutes;
- Use cotton strips or gauze to make the compresses, using ginger water when it is warm;
- Also, cover your belly with the compresses and then wrap it in a towel to keep the temperature;
- Repeat the process whenever the compresses cool down;
- Also, make this recipe at least 3 times a week.
Flat Belly Diet Menu:
Flat Belly Diet Breakfast :
Flat Belly Diet Snack :
- One Pear with Peel
Flat Belly Diet Lunch :
- Broccoli Salad to order
- 100g of white meat
- In addition, two tablespoons of grains
- A medium slice of pineapple
- In addition, four tablespoons of dough
Flat Belly Diet Snack :
- A light cereal bar
Flat Belly Diet Dinner:
- A plate of vegetable soup
- In addition, a plate of salads
Extra Flat Belly Diet Tips:
As you can see, there are many strategies that can help you reach your goal of a Flat Belly Diet . By incorporating some of the tips mentioned above into your daily routine, you will be able to see your six pack sooner rather than later. Keep in mind that it may take some time and effort, but it will all be worth it in the end if done correctly.